Design Point License Sharing

When Workbench design point updates are submitted to Remote Solve Manager on a cluster, you can specify the number of tasks in a RSM job to update concurrently. You can also specify multiple jobs to be submitted to reduce the individual job size.

Licenses are not shared between different RSM jobs.

However, licenses are shared between concurrent tasks within the same job using HPC licenses, allowing you to leverage standard HPC licenses instead of extra solver licenses. Each task requires eight HPC increments or one HPC Pack increment. Similar to non-parametric simulations, each task includes four parallel cores. Additional HPC parallel cores are shared across all tasks, using the same HPC rules. All licenses that are consumed during a RSM job are held for the duration of the job, based on the maximum count of each license.

If HPC licenses are not available at all, or there are not enough available, solver licenses are used instead.

You can use the Ansys Parametric Licensing Calculator ( to determine the number of HPC Workgroup or HPC Pack licenses required.

For more detailed information on HPC licences, see HPC Licensing in the Ansys, Inc. Licensing Guide.