Tracking Licenses

Workbench tracks licenses that are used during an update. You can see what licenses were used for any component by viewing that component's properties. The Last Update Used Licenses property displays which licenses were used. You may find it useful to run the update of at least one design point as you normally would and then review the licenses that were used so that you know which licenses are needed for a future study. License usage is tracked only for an update operation in a component. It is not tracked if a component becomes up-to-date as the result of an edit operation. License usage is not tracked for DesignXplorer components or any parametric components.

License tracking may not return the information in some cases, for example if a component editor was open for viewing or editing at the time of the update. In this case, Not Applicable is shown for Last Update Used Licenses, even though a license is used. To ensure that tracking captures information for all components, close all component editors before updating.

Note:  License tracking can be turned off by your corporate license administrator. If you run a study and do not see which licenses were used, contact your license administrator.