Submitting Forte Jobs to Remote Solve Manager

Use the following steps to submit Forte jobs to Remote Solve Manager (RSM).

Note:  Forte has the following limitations when used with Remote Solve Manager:

  • If solving on a Linux RSM queue, upstream geometry changes must be configured to occur before the RSM job. Select Pre-RSM Foreground Update to Geometry in the Project Update settings of the Project Schematic.

  • Forte's Monitor component does not provide live updates.

  • You must specify at least two parallel processes.

  1. Configure your remote solution settings in Remote Solve Manager. For more information see RSM Configuration in the Remote Solve Manager User's Guide.

  2. In Workbench, right-click the white space of the Project Schematic and select Properties.

  3. In the Solution Process settings, set the Update Option to Submit to Remote Solve Manager.

  4. Select a RSM Queue.

  5. Set the Execution Mode to Parallel.

  6. Specify the Number of Processes that you want to use to create the results file.

    The number of process must be equal to or greater than two.

  7. Update the project.