Submitting CFX Jobs to Remote Solve Manager

You can use Remote Solve Manager (RSM) as a serial or parallel solution for CFX jobs. If your RSM configuration directory contains configurations for a cluster or a Cloud portal, you can access cluster/portal queues that act as a parallel solution option.

Note:  CFX has the following limitations when used with Remote Solve Manager:

  • RIF (Flamelet) cases are not supported.

  • Reconnect does not work after moving a project to another machine.

  • Only one copy of a saved project that is in the pending state can reconnect successfully.

  • You must manually save a project after a reconnect.

  • You cannot edit a run that is in progress.

  • You cannot perform a remote backup.

  • For runs that are submitted to a remote machine:

    • Serial and local parallel runs are always supported.

    • Other local parallel modes must be supported on the job host.

    • Distributed parallel is supported only for multi-node clusters.

  • The default update interval for display monitors is 120 seconds. Use the Download Progress Information and Progress Download Interval options under Tools > Options > Solution Process to enable/disable polling or to change the polling interval. The settings established here are also visible in the Solution Process properties pane in Workbench.

In the Solution Process pane:

  1. Configure your remote solution settings in Remote Solve Manager. For more information see RSM Configuration in the Remote Solve Manager User's Guide.

  2. In Workbench, right-click the Solution cell and select Properties.

  3. In the Solution Process settings, set the Update Option to Submit to Remote Solve Manager.

  4. Select a RSM Queue.

  5. Set the Execution Mode to either Serial or Parallel.

    For a parallel solution:

  6. Update the project.

    You can interrupt or abort an update by right-clicking the Solution cell. These options are available during foreground, background and RSM updates.

Note:  The monitoring of solution updates submitted to RSM has the following limitations:

  • When you use the Solution cell's properties field to set the frequency at which you poll the data, this represents a maximum frequency. In cases of network congestion or where large files are involved, the observed monitor update frequency is less.

  • Solution monitor data is transferred using the CFX Solver-Manager, which has a limited capacity to handle monitor data transfer requests. In situations where multiple users are using the same CFX Solver-Manager to monitor runs, or where multiple runs are being monitored by a single user, the update frequency of monitor data may decrease or become sporadic.

  • When monitoring RSM updates, CFX Solver-Manager does not report run completion. The Out File window displays the completed run information; however, CFX Solver-Manager's workspace still displays Running. Note that in these cases, Workbench accurately reports update completion.

Submitting CFX Jobs with Design Points to Remote Solve Manager

When performing a Design Point update with a CFX system using Remote Solve Manager (RSM), the Component Execution Mode and Max. Number of Processes Per Job settings on the Parameter Set Properties pane control the parallel-processing settings that the CFX Solver uses. For details, see Updating Design Points in Remote Solve Manager.