Project Management

From Tools > Options > Project Management, you can specify the following.

Default Folder for Permanent Files

Sets the file directory that is selected by default when saving or opening a project.

Note:  Ansys recommends seting this preference to a local drive rather than a network drive due to performance reasons.

When you select a different location for a project by browsing to it in a dialog, Workbench remembers the folder location for subsequent operations for the rest of the session; however, upon starting a new session, the default returns to the location specified here.

To have Workbench determine the default location, select the Automatically Determined by Workbench check box. To set the default location yourself, clear the Automatically Determined by Workbench check box and browse to the required folder.

Folder for Temporary Files

Sets the folder where temporary files are written. The directory specified here holds project files that are generated before the project is saved. Once a project is saved, files are written to the project directory.

Note:  Ansys recommends seting this preference to a local drive rather than a network drive due to performance reasons.

.wbpz Compression LevelSets the file compression level for archiving projects to the .wbpz format. The default is 3. Possible values are 0 through 9, with 0 as no compression and 9 as maximum compression.
Share a single license between applications when possible

Specifies which licensing method to use. You can:

  • Share a single license between applications (selected by default)

  • Use a separate license for each application (clear the check box)

If you change this setting, you must restart Workbench for this setting to take effect.

For more details on these licensing methods, see Ansys Workbench Licensing Methods in the Ansys, Inc. Licensing Guide.