User String (Beta) Field

The User String (Beta) field allows you to provide custom information from Workbench to Remote Solve Manager (RSM) that performs custom actions prior to the submission of a job to the cluster.

Examples of custom information that can be provided to the cluster include the user name of the submitter, or the license necessary to execute the job.

This field is displayed in the Properties view when you set the Solution Process Update Option to Submit to Remote Solve Manager for an entire project, a system solution cell, or a parameter set.

The field accepts a text string in the following format:


The following rules apply to the text entry:

  • Leading and trailing spaces around any key or value are automatically trimmed.

  • Keys must consist of alphanumeric characters and underscores.

  • Keys cannot contain embedded spaces.

  • Values can use most characters and embedded spaces.

  • Values cannot include the following special characters:


    What you type in this field is passed to RSM as environment variables. The name of each environment variable is the uppercase key, prefixed with RSM_CLIENT_, unless the key already starts with the prefix. The value of each environment variable is the value portion of each pair.

    Note:  Workbench does not check the size of the user string against the environment variable space of the remote Workbench session.