In preparation for generating a mesh that conforms to a high-fidelity geometric feature, for example a complex blade end, you need to enable ATM3D or ATM v2. This can be done as follows:
In the Mesh workspace, open
Topology Set
.Set Mesh Generation Mode to
orATM v2
.Click Apply.
Before setting up high-fidelity geometry, you can optionally generate a mesh for the low-fidelity geometry, adjusting the topology and mesh settings as required. The mesh for the low-fidelity geometry normally requires less time to generate than the mesh for the high-fidelity geometry, enabling you to save time while adjusting mesh settings for the mesh outside the high-fidelity regions.
There is a pair of Display menu commands and a pair of corresponding toolbar icons for selecting the type of geometry, high-fidelity or low-fidelity, for which to generate a mesh.
The Display menu commands are Use Mesh for Low-Fidelity Geometry and Use Mesh for High-Fidelity Geometry; only one command appears at a time depending on the type of geometry currently set for meshing. For example, if the displayed command is Use Mesh for Low-Fidelity Geometry then high-fidelity geometry is currently set for meshing, and using this command would switch to low-fidelity geometry for meshing.
The toolbar icons
Use Mesh for Low-Fidelity Geometry
Use Mesh for High-Fidelity Geometry
operate in the same way.
These commands and icons affect any existing mesh, any mesh subsequently generated, and any mesh subsequently saved.
With the type of geometry for meshing set appropriately, you can generate the topology and 3D mesh by right-clicking Topology Set and turning off Suspend Object Updates. You can subsequently toggle the type of geometry for meshing as needed.