12.3.1. Complex Blade End

To add a ComplexBladeEnd topological entity, right-click Topological Entity Instances > Blade Set > [blade name] and select Insert Complex Blade End.

The ComplexBladeEnd topological entity requires CAD entity definitions for two or three of its three child objects:

  • HighFidelityBladeSurface (required)

    This entity must be assigned CAD objects that cumulatively cover all blade surfaces that are exposed to the fluid flow in the blade passage.

  • HighFidelityHubSurface (optional)

    This entity, if present, must be assigned CAD objects that cumulatively cover all parts of the hub surface that are exposed to the fluid flow in the blade passage.

  • HighFidelityShroudSurface (optional)

    This entity, if present, must be assigned CAD objects that cumulatively cover all parts of the shroud surface that are exposed to the fluid flow in the blade passage.

To control whether there is a hub complex blade end, a shroud complex blade end, or both, you can edit the ComplexBladeEnd topological entity:

  1. In the tree, open the object editor for the ComplexBladeEnd object either by double-clicking the object or by right-clicking the object and then selecting Edit Complex Blade End Topology.

  2. In the object editor, on the Topology Selection tab, select Hub Complex Blade End, Shroud Complex Blade End, or both, to specify which blade ends are complex blade ends.

  3. Click Apply.

    Child objects of ComplexBladeEnd are added or deleted accordingly.

Alternatively, you can:

  • Insert a complex blade end child object by right-clicking the ComplexBladeEnd object and selecting Insert Hub Complex Blade End or Insert Shroud Complex Blade End.

  • Delete a complex blade end child object by right-clicking it and selecting Delete Selected Entity.

To delete a ComplexBladeEnd topological entity, right-click it and select Delete Complex Blade End.