10.8.1. Mesh Statistics

The Mesh Statistics object provides details about the quality of the current mesh. The Mesh Statistics object cannot be viewed until the mesh is created. For details, see Steps to Create a Mesh. To view the mesh statistics, double-click the Mesh Analysis object or Mesh Statistics object in the object selector.

The Mesh Statistics object does not open in the object editor like the other objects in the object selector. Instead, it appears as the Mesh Statistics dialog box, so it can stay open while other objects are edited in the object editor. This allows for constant monitoring of the statistics.

Mesh analysis variables include Minimum Face Angle, Maximum Face Angle, and Element Volume Ratio. The preferences control which mesh analysis variables are available. For details, see Mesh Quality Measures.

Statistics displayed in yellow or red are partially or fully outside the limits defined in the Mesh Analysis > Mesh Limits object. For details, see Mesh Limits. To display the regions where the mesh statistics are outside the limits, select the mesh measure, then click Display. Alternatively, double-click the mesh analysis variable in the list.

Each calculated mesh measure is added to the list of available variables for creating new plots (for example, a contour plot).

The Mesh Statistics dialog box can show a histogram. To produce a histogram, select a mesh statistic from the list and click Display. You can control the resolution of the histogram using the Histogram Bin Size setting.

The rankings "Bad", "ok", and "OK", which are reflected in both the columns and histogram colors in the Mesh Stastistics dialog box, are judged according to the criteria set in the Mesh Limits object, described in Mesh Limits.