Monitoring Solution Progress

While a solution is in progress, you can monitor its progress using the following methods:

System Coupling Transcript Output

System Coupling's Transcript output is available in the scLog.scl file, the CLI console, and the GUI's Command Console and SC Transcript tabs. It provides the following information to help you to assess the progress of a coupled analysis run:

Participant Connection Details:

If any participants fail to connect, then System Coupling generates messages indicating that:

  • the names of the participants that have not yet connected, and

  • the time elapsed since the request for participant connections (that is, since the participants were started, or the solution was initialized or started).

These messages are written to the Transcript at the following intervals: 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours, and 10 hours.

Tip:  When starting System Coupling from the command line, you can use the -C or --connectiontimeout argument to set the maximum amount of time System Coupling waits for participants to connect. For more information, see Setting a Participant Connection Timeout Interval.

Solution Details:

During a coupling run, solution output is written dynamically to the Transcript. You can watch the progressive updates to its Coupled Solution section, either in the CLI or on the GUI's Command Console and SC Transcript tabs.

Tip:   When motion is defined on coupled bodies, Ansys recommends that you monitor the System Coupling Transcript's Mapping Summary sections during execution to ensure that the bodies move consistently throughout the analysis.

System Coupling Convergence Chart Data

During the execution of a coupling run, convergence data is plotted to the GUI's Charts tab and written to any .csv output files generated during the analysis. Both outputs are updated dynamically, so can be used to follow the solution as it progresses.

For more information, see Reviewing Convergence Diagnostics Charting Output.

Participant Transcript Output

The contents of each coupling participant's transcript is written to a transcript tab in the GUI.