System Coupling Capabilities by Context

Table 3: System Coupling Capabilities by Context lists the key coupling capabilities available for System Coupling's graphical user interface (GUI), System Coupling's command-line interface (CLI), and System Coupling in Workbench (WB).

Capabilities are divided into the following categories:

Table 3: System Coupling Capabilities by Context


User Environment

User Interface

Graphical user interface


Optimized, scriptable command-line interface


Interactive solve commands


Command-line arguments for:

  • Coupling execution

  • Debugging

  • Parallel processing


Built-in solution and region variables


Participant APIs for connecting to System Coupling: 1

  • C

  • C++

  • Fortran

  • Python



Vector and scalar expressions


Named expressions


External Python functions in expression definitions


Settings with immutable real or integer single values


Settings with mutable single values (currently only time step size)

Settings with mutable field values (currently only source-side data transfer variables)


Coupling Participants

Supported Participants

Ansys External Data file


Electronics Desktop







Mechanical Server5


CFD Server5


Co-simulation Functional Mock-up Unit (FMU) participants


SCDT Server

Participant Dimension




Participant Setup

Check for changes to participant input file3


Update participant after input file modifications3


Participant instancing3


Execution Controls

Customizable solver input files

Automated definition of participant working directories relative to the co-simulation directory


Additional command-line arguments for participant executable


Region Topologies




Variable Properties

Extensive and intensive variables

Scalar and vector tensor types

Real numbers

Complex numbers


Real and integer attributes





Number of Participants

Up to two participants in a single co-simulation


Up to 25 participants in a single co-simulation


Analysis Types

Steady coupled analyses

Transient coupled analyses

Mixed steady-transient coupled analyses

Analysis Setup

Step-based analyses with multiple iterations per coupling step (for implicit couplings)

Set minimum and maximum number of iterations per step

Iteration-based analyses3


Data model optimization for one-way workflows


Export coupling setup from Workbench


Interfaces & Data Transfers


Multiple regions per interface side3


Automatic detection of same interface sides for thin bodies3


Automatic rigid-body interface alignment for surface-to-surface mapping


Geometry transformations for models with different orientations per interface side


Cylindrical geometry instancing per interface side


Data Transfers

Suppression of data transfers

Creation of data transfer groups


Transfer Topologies

Surface Surface transfers

Volume Volume transfers


Volume 2D Surface transfers


Single Scalar Value Surface / Volume transfers (for FMU participants)


Single Scalar Value Single Scalar Value transfers (for FMU participants)


Transfer Quantities 4

Convection Reference Temperature

Electrical Conductivity



Heat Rate

Heat Transfer Coefficient

Incremental Displacement

Mode Shape




Profile-preserving mapping algorithms

Locally and globally conservative mapping algorithms

Mapping controls per interface


Supplemental Processing

Convergence control per transfer, per interface

Ramping per transfer, per interface

Under-relaxation per transfer, per interface

Quasi-Newton solution stabilization

Coupled Run Execution

Participant Execution

Automated startup/shutdown (including error handling)

Participant solution sequence control3


Simultaneous participant solutions


Participant update frequency controls3


Participant timeout connection interval


System Coupling Execution

Creation/restoration of snapshots of the coupled analysis state


Interactive solution commands


Reconnection to running System Coupling session


Execution of System Coupling setup exported from Workbench


Project and design point updates via RSM


Solve mode


Mapping mode5



Coordinated restart point creation

Restart points written per coupling step

Restart points written per coupling iteration3


Coordinated restart point selection and automated restarts


Parallel Processing

Configurable, script-based submission to clusters


System Coupling run as distributed processes

System-defined and custom resource partitioning across participants running in parallel

Solver-specific HPC parallel arguments 

Co-Simulation Output


Chart views:

  • Coupling Step

  • Coupling Iteration

  • Simulation Time (for transient analyses)

Data transfer convergence chart, per simulation


Data transfer diagnostics chart, per quantity type


Export charting data to .csv files, per coupling interface


Collated participant convergence and monitors


Transcripts & Log Files

Dynamically generated coupled analysis Transcript and Log file

Runtime debug output

Initial mesh, data transfer, and mapping diagnostics

System Coupling and participant wall-clock time summary

Participant transcript output available for viewing



Surface and volume coupling output in EnSight Gold format


Live EnSight postprocessing visualization during co-simulation


1: For more information about Participant Library APIs, see the Multiphysics section of the Ansys API Documentation site.

2: This is a beta-level capability. For more information about beta functionality, see the System Coupling Beta Features documentation.

3: Use of this capability depends on support by coupling participants. For information on which participants support this feature, see Participant Support of System Coupling Capabilities.

4: For more information about supported data transfer quantities, see Participant Variables and Quantity Types Supported by System Coupling.

5: Mapping mode and server participants can be used only for one-way transfers of modal data between a Mechanical Server participant and a CFD Server participant in an aerodamping co-simulation.

6: The 2D participant defines x, y, plane coordinates and x, y, vector variables. However, System Coupling uses 3D coordinates internally.

For details about the System Coupling capabilities listed here, see the subsequent sections of this guide.