Coupling Interfaces

To exchange quantities required for electric arc modeling, you need to define a coupling interface between the corresponding arc regions within the CFD and electro-magnetic solver.

Adding a Coupling Interface

Add a coupling interface in the GUI
  1. Right-click the Setup branch and select Add Coupling Interface.

    The coupling interface object is added to the data model under the Coupling Interface branch.

  2. Verify that the two sides of the interface are defined correctly and adjust as needed.

Add a coupling interface in the CLI

Run the AddInterface()command, as in the following example:

    SideOneParticipant = "FLUENT-1", SideOneRegions = ['fluid_arc_region'],
    SideTwoParticipant = "AEDT-2", SideTwoRegions = ['Region105'])

Adding Data Transfers

Data transfers define which variables are transferred from one side of the coupling interface to the other side. You may add data transfers using either System Coupling's GUI or CLI.

Add a data transfer in the GUI

In the GUI, you may add multiple data transfers at the same time by right-clicking the coupling interface object and selecting Add Electric Arc Modeling Data Transfers.

Data transfers with relevant quantities are added.

Add a data transfer in the CLI

In the CLI, you must add each data transfer individually. Run the AddDataTransfer() command, as in the following example:

    Interface = interfaceName, 
    TargetSide = 'Two', 
    SourceVariable = " LorentzForce", 
    TargetVariable = "lorentz-force")

System Coupling provides many options for general customizations of data transfers. For details, see the rest of the System Coupling documentation, especially: