Dynamic Mesh

A good dynamic mesh setup is critical to a successful FSI simulation since it allows the interior nodes of the fluid to absorb the boundary displacements sent by Mechanical.

Verify the dynamic mesh settings.

  1. On the Domain tab under Mesh Models, click Dynamic Mesh.

    The Dynamic Mesh Task Page opens.

  2. Verify that the Dynamic Mesh check box is selected.

  3. Under Mesh Methods:

    1. Verify that the Smoothing and Remeshing check boxes are both selected.

    2. Click the Settings button.

      The Mesh Method Settings dialog opens.

  4. On the Smoothing tab:

    1. Select Diffusion.

    2. Click the Advanced button.

      The Mesh Smoothing Parameters dialog opens.

    3. On the Mesh Smoothing Parameters dialog, note the following settings:

      1. Diffusion Function is set to Boundary Distance.

      2. Diffusion Parameter is set to 1.5.

      3. AMG Stabilization is set to CG.

      4. Maximum Number of Iterations is set to 50.

    4. Click Cancel to exit the dialog and return to the Mesh Method Settings dialog.

  5. On the Remeshing tab:

    1. Verify that Unified Remeshing is selected.

    2. Click OK to return to the Dynamic Mesh Task Page.

      Note:  For details, see the best practice recommendations.

  6. On the Domain tab under Mesh Models, click Gap Model.

    The Gap Model dialog opens.

  7. Under Gap Management, select gap_1 and click Edit.

  8. Verify the following settings:

    1. Under Face Zones, the fsi and stopper zones are selected.

      This indicates that a contact has been set up between these faces.

    2. Proximity Threshold [m] is set to 0.0002.

      This indicates the point at which the contact detection process is enabled and flow control is applied. When the distance between the faces falls below this value, flow is blocked in the contact region.

    3. Under Gap Type, Flow-Blocking is selected.

      This indicates that flow control is enabled.

    4. Click Cancel and Close to close the dialogs and return to the Dynamic Mesh Task Page.

  9. Under Dynamic Mesh Zones, click the Create/Edit button.

    The Dynamic Mesh Zones dialog opens.

  10. Verify symmetry settings:

    1. Under Dynamic Mesh Zones, double-click symmetry1 and symmetry2, in turn.

    2. For each, confirm that:

      • Type is set to Deforming.

      • In the Geometry Definition tab:

        • Definition is set to plane

        • Under Plane Normal, X is 0, Y is 0, Z is 1.

        • Under Point on Plane, the Z value is 0 for symmetry2 and 0.001 for symmetry1.

    3. For each, verify the following settings on the Meshing Options tab:

      1. Remeshing is enabled.

      2. Under remeshing Parameters, Global Setting is enabled.

      3. Smoothing is enabled.

      These settings cause the solver to use the global dynamic mesh settings configured previously.

Leave the Dynamic Mesh Zones dialog open.