Export the Partial Co-Simulation Setup

In this tutorial, you do not complete the System Coupling system's setup in Workbench, but instead export the partial setup and then complete it in the System Coupling GUI. By finishing the setup in the GUI, you ensure that broadest range of coupling capabilities (many of which are available only in System Coupling's user interfaces) are available for the co-simulation. For details, see System Coupling Capabilities by Context in the System Coupling User's Guide.

Export the partial co-simulation setup from Workbench.

  1. Right-click the System Coupling system's Setup cell and select Export System Coupling Setup.

    The Browse for Folder dialog opens.

  2. Navigate to the OscillatingPlateExport co-simulation folder.

  3. Select the directory and click OK.

    This directory is now designated as System Coupling's working directory. The export operation copies all necessary co-simulation folders and files to this directory.

    Note:  You may check the progress of the export by checking the export.log file generated in the co-simulation working directory for an "Export completed" message.

  4. Exit Workbench.

    Select File > Exit.

The export operation is complete.