Verify the Application of Maxwell-Generated Losses

Ensure that the losses generated by Maxwell are the same as those consumed by the Mechanical. To verify the application of losses, check System Coupling's Transcript and EnSight-formatted Results files, as described in the following sections:

Review Losses in the Transcript

Review the Sum value recorded for the final coupling iteration to verify that the losses sent by Maxwell match those received by Mechanical.

Figure 6: Losses reported in the Transcript at 20 [s]

| COUPLING STEP = 20                        SIMULATION TIME = 2.00000E+04 [s] |

|                             COUPLING ITERATIONS                             |
|                                     |      Source            Target         |
|                           COUPLING ITERATION = 1                            |


| MAPDL Transient Thermal             |                                       |
|   Interface: CouplingInterface 1    |                                       |
|     Heat Rate Density               |             Converged                 |
|       RMS Change                    |     2.33E-04          1.88E-04        |
|       Sum                           |     2.72E+01          2.72E+01        |

Visualize Loss Results in EnSight

In EnSight, visualize the application of Maxwell-generated losses to Fluent's thermal analysis. Use the following variables:

  • Mechanical (nodes): Heat_Rate_Density__NS

  • Maxwell (element centroids): Loss_per_unit_volume__ES

For consistency, adjust the palette ranges as shown in the image below.

Figure 7: Source-side and target-side Heat Rate (losses) at 20 [s]

Source-side and target-side Heat Rate (losses) at 20 [s]