Expression (object)

Use Expression objects to define other expressions.

Named expression objects are assigned default names according to the convention Expression<#>, where "#" is an index indicating the order in which the named expressions were created. For example, if three expressions are created for an analysis, the default names are Expression1, Expression2, and Expression3.

Object names must be unique within the analysis. If there is already an object in the data model whose ExpressionName matches the provided ExpressionName, its ExpressionString will be overwritten with the provided ExpressionString.

Objects and their parameters must conform to Python's naming and definition requirements, as summarized in Expressions Validation in the System Coupling User's Guide. For more detailed information, see the resources published by the Python Software Foundation.

Once the named expression object has been added to the data model, you can reference the expression by name in the creation of other expressions. Once in use, a named expression cannot be deleted.

For more information, see Expressions in System Coupling in the System Coupling User's Guide.

Tip:  Shown in the GUI as the Library | Named Expression branch.

*ExpressionName (setting)

Name used to reference the expression in the definition of another expression.

This value is shown in user-facing communications, including System Coupling's GUI, Transcript/Log files, and EnSight-formatted results.

Named expression object names must be unique within the analysis. When named expression objects are added, they are assigned default internal names according to the convention Expression<#>, where "#" is an index indicating the order in which the objects were created. For example, if two named expressions objects are created for the analysis, they will be named Expression1 and Expression2.

The name must conform to Python's naming requirements, as summarized in Expressions Validation in the System Coupling User's Guide. For more detailed information, see the resources published by the Python Software Foundation.

If a named expression object is created with the same ExpressionName as an existing object, then the earlier definition of the named expression (as defined by the ExpressionString setting) will be overwritten by the new definition.

Tip:  Shown in the GUI as the object under the Library | Named Expression branch.

*ExpressionString (setting)

String defining the expression to be associated with the named expression object.

The expression syntax must conform to Python's expression definition requirements, as summarized in Expressions Validation in the System Coupling User's Guide. For more detailed information, see the resources published by the Python Software Foundation.

Tip:  Shown in the GUI as the Library | Named Expression | Expression String setting.