*TimeStepSize (setting)

Available when the AnalysisType is set to Transient.

Defines the time interval of the coupling steps.

Default value of None. A value must be specified before a Solve operation is attempted.

Possible values:

  • When DurationOption is set to NumberOfSteps, accepts real values greater than 0.0.

  • When DurationOption is set to EndTime, accepts real values 1e-30 [s] ≤ x ≤ EndTime.

May be defined by an expression, as follows:

If the coupled analysis is defined in terms of time (a transient analysis), then:

  • A coupling step is associated with a time interval. The TimeStepSize setting specifies the time interval associated with each coupling step (in seconds).

  • The final coupling step size is reduced automatically, if needed, so that the specified end time is respected.

  • If units are not specified, then seconds [s] are used.

  • When defined using real values, the coupling step size is fixed for the duration of the analysis but can be changed when restarting the analysis.

Tip:  Shown in the GUI as the Solution Control | Time Step Size setting.