*AnalysisType (setting)

Type of analysis to be run.

Possible values:

  • Steady (default value)

    Used when all participants are running a steady-state or static solution.

    When this value is used and all participants support the creation of restart points per iteration (that is, none of the participants has ParticipantType set to AEDT, CFX, MAPDL or EXTERNALDATA), then the analysis is iteration-based, with only one coupling step but multiple iterations allowed. For more information, see Steady Analysis Type in the System Coupling User's Guide.

  • Transient

    Used when any participant is running a transient solution (includes mixed steady-transient analyses).

    Note:  For transient solutions involving physics with disparate time scales, System Coupling offers mixed steady-transient analyses in which the physics with the shorter/faster timescale is solved as steady-state. For these analyses, Option is set to Transient.

Tip:  Shown in the GUI as the Analysis Control | Analysis Type setting.