
Important:  This command is deprecated. To add an interface, use the AddInterface() command instead.

Given the coupling participant and region names as arguments for each interface side, adds a coupling interface object to the data model.

Requires that you specify participants and regions using their object display names, as described below in Essential Keyword Arguments.

Cannot be run after participants have started.

Returns the name of the coupling interface created.

For more detailed information on the object created, see CouplingInterface.

Essential Keyword Arguments

SideOneParticipant : string

String indicating the object display name of the participant to be associated with side One of the interface.

SideTwoParticipant : string

String indicating the object display name of the participant to be associated with side Two of the interface.

SideOneRegions : string list

List of strings specifying the object display name(s) of region(s) to be added to side One of the interface.

SideTwoRegions : string list

List of strings specifying the object display name(s) of region(s) to be added to side Two of the interface.

Return Type



Example 12: Add an interface using participant and region display names

        SideOneParticipant = 'Ansys  Electronics Desktop',
        SideOneRegions = ['Core'],
        SideTwoParticipant = 'Fluid Flow (Fluent)',
        SideTwoRegions = ['Core 2'])