Volume Extract Tool Guides and Options

Volume Extract Tool Guides

The following tool guides help step you through the process. Use the Tab key to cycle through them. As soon as the tool guide switches, the cursor may change to reflect the active guide.

Select Faces The Select Faces tool guide activates by default when you select the Volume Extract tool, and selects faces whose edges seal an enclosed region. This is a shortcut to selecting all the edges that are detected in a face. You can Ctrl+ Select multiple seed faces, and then choose to select a different tool guide. Once you create a volume, the Select Faces tool guide resets by default.
Select Edges The Select Edges tool guide selects edge loops that enclose a region. Edges are used to stop the propagation of face selection, emanating face-wise outward, starting at the selected seeds.
Select Cap Faces The Select Cap Faces tool guide selects optional capping faces. This is important when an internal edge loop is either not simply fillable, or when you want some non-standard fill geometry to be created.
Select Seed Face The Select Seed Face tool guide selects a face that lies within the volume you want to enclose. If this is not chosen, then SpaceClaim chooses an arbitrary face to start from, and test whether any bounded volumes are created. If they are not, another face will automatically be selected and the algorithm will re-start. Select a face here to save this iteration time.
Complete The Complete tool guide creates the volume solid based on the edges and seed face you select.

Volume Extract Tool Options

The following options are available:

Merge created volume Merges the created volume into the outer shell to effectively fill the inner cavity. This option is useful if the outer volume is of main interest.
Imprint capping edges Leaves the capping faces intact so that the location of the inlets and outlets can be seen.
Create share topology Creates share topology between the volume extracted and the input bodies.
Preview inside faces Enables you to preview the selection of inner faces and detect leaks. Click the Play button to preview the faces in an animation, or use the slider to manually preview the faces.