Creating the Universal User Settings File

  1. Create an environment variable called SpaceClaim_ADMIN_CONFIG. It should point to a fully qualified file name which may be on the network, for example: [SpaceClaim_ADMIN_CONFIG=\\dell_server\shared\user\admin.config
  2. Begin by creating your own user.config file as described below.
    • Open SpaceClaim and go to the Options menu.

    • Change the settings any way you want.

    • Click the Export User Settings button in the Advanced options page.

    • Save as "user.config" or any other name you want with the ".config" extension.

    • Place in the location which your Environment variable points to.

  3. Test that your settings have exported correctly as follows.
    • Close out SpaceClaim.

    • Locate your user.config file.

      1. Go to Computer>Local Disk

      2. Click in the Path panel at the top of the window.

      3. Type: %APPDATA%

      4. Double click Local.

      5. Double click SpaceClaim

      6. Select all the settings folders and delete them.

  4. Open a new SpaceClaim session and see the results of your user.config file.
  • The name can be anything - 'admin.config' is just an example.

  • This file will be used by SpaceClaim instead of the local user configuration file.

  • To use the settings you created, make sure you clear out your local settings before you start SpaceClaim. You should only need to do this once.

  • You may need to delete local settings to get SpaceClaim to use the central config file the first time. This is because SpaceClaim checks the file dates and uses the newest of the two files.

  • After the first time, you should not need to delete local settings again.

  • When you do a new install on a machine with the Environment variable set, the admin user settings will be used without needing to delete the local settings.
  • Once you have a specified central config file, any changes made will persist. However, settings within tabs restricted by 'panel.config' cannot be overridden.