Working with the Groups Tree

  • Drag a group in the Groups panel to change its position in the list. Group order is important because they are changed from top to bottom when the change is initiated in an external application.
  • You can sort the Groups by right-clicking on Named Selections or Driving Dimensions at the top of the tree.
  • A round group is also created each time you fill a round and is saved in the Filled Rounds folder. You can reattach a group of rounds as long as some portion of the original edges (or faces that bordered the edges) still exists in your design.
Creating a Coaxial Group
  1. Select two coaxial cylindrical faces on a solid. Ensure that the cylindrical faces are on the same solid.
  2. Right-click and select Create Coaxial Group.
The group is added in the Face Groups folder in the Groups panel. A relationship is created between the cylindrical faces, so the faces remain coaxial when you change the faces. If you move one of the faces, the other will move with it.
Editing a Driving Dimension
  1. Select the driving dimension from the Groups Panel. The current value should appear next to the Type.
  2. Click the value. A dimension box should appear.
  3. Type the new value for the dimension and press Enter.
The driving dimension is updated in the Design window. You can follow these steps to change round radii, offset distance, and ruler dimensions.
Reattaching a Round
  1. Right-click one or more round group in the Groups panel.
  2. Select Reattach Round from the context menu.
Exploding a Group
  1. Select the group in the Groups panel.
  2. Right-click and select Explode from the context menu.
Each group will be placed in its own group. The new group names are based on the parent group. For example, a group named "Group" will explode into "Group 1", "Group 2", etc.
Deleting a Named Group
  1. Select the group in the Groups panel.
  2. Press the Delete key or right-click the group and select Delete Group from the context menu.
If all of the objects that comprise a group are removed from the design, the group is automatically deleted.
Merging Two or More Named Groups
  1. Select two or more Group from the Groups panel.
  2. Right-click a group and select Merge from the context menu.
The groups will be merged to a single group, taking the name of the last group selected.
Renaming a Named Group
  1. Right-click the group in the Groups panel.
  2. Select Rename from the context menu.
  3. Or, select the group and press F2.
  4. Enter the new name for the group and press Enter.
Replacing Objects in a Named Group
  1. Select any set of 3D objects.
  2. Right-click a group and select Replace from the context menu.
You can only replace groups in Named Selections.
Adding Objects to a Named Group
  1. Select any set of 3D objects. You may also select another Group from the Groups panel.
  2. Right-click a group and select Add from the context menu.
Subtracting Objects from a Named Group
  1. Select any object that is part of a named group.
  2. Right-click the group name in the Groups panel and select Subtract from the context menu.
Hiding/Showing Objects using Named Groups
  • To hide objects in the group(s), right-click the group name(s) and select Hide from the context menu.
    Note: If the group contains only faces, then only faces on objects that are part of the group will be hidden.
  • To focus on objects in the group(s), right-click the group name(s) and select Hide Others from the context menu.
  • To show objects in previously hidden group(s), right-click the group name(s) and select Show from the context menu.