Turntable Spin Mode

Turntable spin mode is enabled in the Navigation pane of SpaceClaim Options. It rotates the view using the top of your design as the up direction and the location of your mouse as the rotation axis. This is the spin method commonly used in architectural CAD packages.

The cursor changes to indicate when you are in Turntable Spin mode.

To understand Turntable spinning, picture the World Origin as a turntable

  • The model sits on the XY-plane.
  • The Z-axis is the axis of rotation.
  • Spinning is based on cursor movement as follows:
    • Left-to-Right movement spins about the Z-axis
    • Up-and-Down movement spins the XY-plane.

You can see the difference by orienting the World Origin with the Z-axis horizontal.

Cursor movement Left-to-Right spins the model only about the Z-axis

Cursor movement Up-and-Down Also spins the model only about the Z-axis

A combination of both movements Also spins the model only about the Z-axis