Locking Encoded Features

Features that have encoded GD&T can be locked. Once a feature is locked, it can't be modified in any way that violates the encoded tolerance.

To Lock an encoded feature, select the feature in the Structure Tree and select Lock feature from the context menu.

RMB > Lock feature

When a feature is Locked, the system runs checks after any modifications are performed to verify that the encoded tolerance is not violated. The modifications will preview but will snap back to the original geometry if any of the following are changed or removed.

  • Basic Dimensions

  • Size Dimensions

  • Implicit Dimensions:

    • Zero distance from a DRF axis (that is. coincident with the axis)

    • Parallelism

    • Perpendicularity

To Unlock an encoded feature, select the feature in the Structure Tree and select Unlock feature from the context menu.

RMB > Unlock feature