Track Encoding

Track Encoding allows you to see the encoding status of your model as you add GD&T. The button has two parts. The top part of the button is a global ON/OFF switch to turn tracking On and Off. The bottom part of the button is a dropdown menu with two choices, which are both ON by default.

  • Dim Encoded Faces shows faces as dimmed when they have GD&T encoded in them.
  • Dim Encoded Symbols shows GD&T symbols as dimmed when they are encoded in the model and not simply annotations.
  • Show all annotations shows all annotations, including non-root parts. Use this option for components imported from other CAD systems to make sure that all annotations are shown.

Reasons to use Tracking include the following.

  • You want to see how much of the model geometry is currently controlled with encoded GD&T.
  • The model is imported and you do not know how the GD&T was created, or you not know the quality.
    • If you include PMI on import, it may all come in fine
    • Some GD&T may not import correctly
    • PMI is not available for all imported file types
  • The model may have been created in an earlier version of SpaceClaim, before PMI was supported