Changing Spline End Points

  1. Select the spline to display its end point control handle.
    The end point control handle is a light blue point at the end of a dotted line extending outwards from the end of the spline. In some cases, these end points may be located some distance away from your sketch. Zoom out from the sketch until you can see the end point control handle.
    If another line, arc, or spline shares that end point, the end point influence may snap into tangency with that sketch entity. To adjust the end point influence in this case, move the mouse a short distance away from the end point to display the end point control handle.
    After it is moved, the end point will snap to its original tangency.
  2. (Optional) In 3D, hold Alt and select a planar or linear object that you want the spline to be tangent with. You can hold Alt and select a curve, edge or face if the curve, edge or face passes through the point. If you select a face, the tangency at the point where the point intersects the curve or surface is used. The default is the tangency direction with the least amount of curvature.
  3. Drag the end point control handles to change the influence of that end point on the shape of the spline.
    The control handle will snap back to its initial tangent direction, which is indicated by a dotted line.
    The amount of the end point's influence can be controlled by dragging the end point control handle closer to or further away from the end point.