Deleting Constraints

You can delete constraints using the Delete Constraint tool in the Constraints group or using the option from the mini-toolbar.

Using the Delete Constraint tool:

Select Delete Constraint in the Constraints group. The Delete Constraint tool is available when Show Constraint Tips is enabled.

Select the constraint to be deleted. In case of multiple constraints, click the dropdown and then select the constraint to be deleted.

Using the option from the mini-toolbar:

  1. Right-click a drawing object.
    In addition to the context menu, a mini toolbar appears at the cursor location.
  2. Click the dropdown next to the Delete icon to see the list of active constraints on the selected drawing object. For example,
    Note: If the drawing object is a point, the mini toolbar and dropdown will be simpler, containing only the point's constraints. If multiple drawing objects are selected, the dropdown panel will contain the constraints common to all the selected objects.
    Alternatively, click the red X to delete a constraint. The list of active constraints is shown.
  3. To check which geometries are involved in a constraint, hover over the constraint's symbol in the dropdown panel. Geometries involved will highlight in red. For constraints involving a point, the point's parent curve will highlight dashed as well, to help distinguish it from other overlapping points. If applicable, related constraints will highlight in yellow. Related constraints will be affected by changes to the highlighted constraint. Circles constrained to have equal radii could be an example of related constraints.
  4. To delete a constraint, click the constraint's symbol in the dropdown panel. The symbol will gray out. If the sketch was in an over constrained state, the sketch may adjust if a solution is now achievable.