5.2.1. Steps for Non-Automatic Fitting

The steps for non-automatic fitting are as follows:

  1. Read the experimental data curve(s) or define the experimental data curve(s) in the Ansys Polymat. See Reading Experimental Data Curves for the Non-Automatic Fitting Method and Working with Curves.

  2. Specify which curves you want to calculate (shear viscosity, shear stress, and so on). See Specifying the Curves to be Calculated for details.

  3. Define the numerical parameters for the curve calculation. See Defining Numerical Parameters for details.

  4. Select the fluid model that matches your experimental data best, and define initial values for the associated material parameters. See Selecting the Type of Fluid Model and Defining Initial Values for the Material Parameters for details.

  5. Vary the value of one material parameter at a time and draw the resulting data curve, until you find the combination that results in a curve most similar to your experimental curve. See Performing the Fitting Analysis for details.

  6. When you are satisfied with the curve fitting, save the material parameters to a material data file, which you can read into Ansys Polydata during your problem definition. See Reading and Writing Material Data for details about saving a material data file.