3.2.2. Reading Experimental Data Curves for the Automatic Fitting Method

If you are using the automatic fitting procedure in Ansys Polymat, you will need to read your experimental curve data directly into Ansys Polymat. The format of the curve file is provided in Reading Experimental Data Curves for the Non-Automatic Fitting Method, and the procedure for reading it is as follows:

  1. In the Automatic Fitting menu, click the Add experimental curves menu item.

      Add experimental curves

  2. Select Add a new curve.

      Add a new curve

  3. Specify the name of the file containing the data curve.

      Enter the name of the curve file

    Note that, for a viscoelastic model, you will need to define three types of curves: viscosity/shear-rate, storage modulus, and loss modulus. You can also define an optional transient uniaxial extensional viscosity curve. You can specify the curves in any order; the type of the curve you read in will be defined in the next step.

  4. If the flow is viscoelastic, specify which type of curve this is.

      Modify the curve type

    If the file you just read in contains the viscosity vs. shear-rate curve, click steady shear viscosity; if it contains the storage modulus vs. angular frequency curve, click storage modulus G’; if it contains the loss modulus vs. angular frequency, click loss modulus G"; if it contains the transient extensional viscosity curve, click transient extensional flow; and if it contains the first normal stress difference vs. shear rate curve, click 1st Normal Stress Difference.

    For a transient extensional flow, you must also specify some flow characteristics such as:

    • Mode (uniaxial, biaxial, planar)

    • Whether the curve is extensional viscosity vs. time or stress vs. strain (ln(l/lo)), where lo is the initial length of the fiber and l is its current length.

    • Whether the fiber is stretched at constant strain rate or at constant stretch velocity.

  5. If the flow is non-isothermal, specify the temperature at which the data were measured.

      Modify the temperature

  6. If the flow is viscoelastic and the file you just read in contains the transient extensional viscosity curve, specify the initial strain rate (, where lo is the initial length of the fiber and V is the initial extension viscosity.

      Modify the initial strain rate (V/lo)

  7. Return to the upper level menu.

      Upper level menu

    The curve name will be added to the List of Experimental Curves menu.

  8. If you need to modify any of the settings for a previously defined curve, click its name in the List of Experimental Curves menu. If you want to delete a curve, click Remove a curve. Then select the name of the curve to be deleted, or click Remove all curves to delete all the curves that have been defined.

  9. Repeat the steps above if you have additional curves to define.