29.2.2. Integration Methods

The integration methods available in Ansys Polyflow are summarized in Table 29.1: Integration Methods in Ansys Polyflow.

Table 29.1: Integration Methods in Ansys Polyflow

Integration method precision
Explicit Euler 0
Implicit Euler 1

With the explicit Euler method (), can be evaluated directly from the known value of at the previous time (and, hence, the method is explicit). The other methods, with nonzero , are known as implicit, since depends not only on at the previous time, but also on the time derivative of at , which is itself a function of the unknown . Since appears on both sides of Equation 29–8, using an implicit method requires solving for .

From this point of view, the implicit method requires more operations. However, all explicit techniques are only conditionally stable: the time step size must not exceed a certain value. The maximum admissible of an explicit scheme is related to the size of elements and the speed of the trajectories. With an explicit technique, the time step should not exceed the time required for a trajectory to pass through an element (for all elements in the mesh).

Ansys Polyflow offers only implicit time-marching schemes of the predictor-corrector family. The predictor is an explicit time-marching scheme that gives an estimate of , denoted hereafter by . This value is an initial guess for the corrector. The corrector itself might be nonlinear, in which case several iterations may be needed for convergence. However, in the limit of small time steps, the mass matrix terms dominate the system (Equation 29–1) and all problems become linear. Predictor-corrector methods enjoy the stability properties of implicit techniques. Another advantage is the automatic control of time step. This is based on the difference between the predicted value and the corrected value . After the solution at , an estimate of the next time step size can be calculated using the formula


where the coefficients and depend on the order of the implicit method, and is the maximum relative difference between the predicted and corrected value of :


where is the th component in the vector . The only user-defined parameter in Equation 29–9 is , which represents a relative tolerance of the local truncation error in by comparison with the exact solution . The choice of has a significant effect on computational cost and accuracy.