36.3.3. Objective Functions

Although the internal optimizer of Ansys Polyflow accepts only one objective function for minimization, it is possible to define multiple objective functions noted , and each of these objective functions can be either minimized or maximized. When the goal is to maximize the objective function , Ansys Polyflow will redefine it such that is minimized.

Three schemes are implemented in Ansys Polyflow, which allow for single and multiple objective functions:

  • single scheme

    When you define only one objective function for optimization (), the following equation is used:


    where is a factor that depends upon the goal of the objective function (1 for minimization and -1 for maximization), and is the initial value of the design variable. For die shape optimization, this value is set by default to the amplitude of displacement you specified during the mesh deformation setup.

  • multi-compromise scheme

    You can use the following equation when you have multiple objective functions to optimize, so that is obtained by weighting the different objective functions:


    In the previous equation, is the number of objective functions, is a factor that depends upon the goal of objective function (1 for minimization and -1 for maximization), and is a weight factor associated with the objective function . The weight factor transforms into a dimensionless quantity. can be a very small or very large value, as it can be used not only to control the relative weight of an objective function with respect to the other objective functions, but also to ensure that the objective functions are of the same order of magnitude numerically.

  • multi-priority scheme

    Another approach for handling multiple objective functions involves defining a priority for each objective function (where varies from 1 to the total number of objective functions). The objective functions are then optimized separately using Equation 36–36, in the order of decreasing priority. Consider the following example, in which is the highest priority and is the next highest priority. The first step is to optimize the die shape while only considering the objective function , in order to obtain the minimum . Then is removed from the list of objective functions, and is converted into the equality constraint . Next, the die shape is optimized while only considering the objective function , in order to obtain the minimum . Again, this objective function is removed from the list of objective functions, and is converted into the equality constraint . This process continues until all of the objective functions have been optimized. During the optimization process, the number of constraints increases and the number of objective functions to be satisfied decreases accordingly.

    Important:  When the multi-priority scheme is used, it is a good practice to make sure that the different objective functions have the same order of magnitude numerically, in the manner described at the end of Constraints.

    Since the multi-priority scheme converts the objective functions into constraints, see Constraints for recommendations to consider when defining the form of each of the objective functions.

The parameters for an objective function include the following:

  • name

    Short names are recommended for objective functions, for the sake of readability in the output files.

  • priority, ranging between 0 (lowest) and 20 (highest)

    This parameter must be provided when the multi-priority scheme for multiple objective functions is used for optimization. When a single objective function is defined or the multi-compromise scheme is used, the priority is not taken into account.

  • goal of the optimization: to minimize or maximize the function

  • form of the function to minimize or maximize

    This parameter allows you to use predefined functions to specify the form (noted as in the following set of equations) of the objective function, which will then be minimized or maximized for the set of design variables . These predefined functions involve parameters , , , , and , as well as one or two extracted values that are noted in the following list of equations as and (these latter two variables represent from Equation 36–25). Note that the objective function must be defined in such a way so as to have a minimum. The predefined functions include the following:

    • identity function:


    • linear function:


    • square of linear function:


    • parabolic function:


    • fourth-order polynomial function:


    • square of two-variable function:


    • two-variable function:


    Which predefined function you select will depend upon the behavior of the extracted values and :

    • Consider the case where exhibits a minimum, such as when it represents the extracted value of the flow balance. Its value is always greater than 0, where 0 corresponds to a perfect die. In this situation, it is recommended that you use Equation 36–38. Alternatively, you could use the linear function expressed in Equation 36–39 if you want to shift and/or normalize the objective function.

    • On the other hand, consider the case where the field does not exhibit a minimum, such as when you want to minimize the difference between the temperature (that is, is the extracted value of ) and a given value (for example, 150). In this situation, it is recommended that you use the square of the linear function expressed in Equation 36–40 , , and . With such parameters, the function will reach a minimum when equals the ideal temperature of 150.

  • extracted value

  • extracted value , if required

  • parameters , , , , and , if required

    Important:  You must choose values for parameters , , , , and such that is always a positive value, otherwise the minimization of Equation 36–36 or Equation 36–37 will not necessarily yield correct results.

  • weight factor

    This parameter must be provided when the multi-compromise scheme for multiple objective functions is used for optimization. When a single objective function is defined or the multi-priority scheme is used, the weight factor is not taken into account.