30.8. Total Extra-Stress Tensor

For differential or integral viscoelastic flow problems, Ansys Polyflow can calculate the total extra-stress tensor in the domain. The total extra-stress tensor is the sum of the viscous (or the (generalized) Newtonian) components and the viscoelastic components.

If more than one relaxation time has been defined, the viscoelastic component is the sum of the viscoelastic components for all modes.

The procedure for specifying the calculation of the total extra-stress tensor is as follows:

  1. Create a new sub-task.

      Create a sub-task

    1. Select Postprocessor as the sub-task type.


    2. When prompted, enter a name for the postprocessor sub-task.

  2. In the F.E.M. Task Postprocessor menu, select Total extra-stress tensor.

      Total extra-stress tensor

    Ansys Polydata will tell you where the calculation will be performed. You can click OK to continue.

  3. Specify any additional outputs for the total extra-stress tensor. Ansys Polyflow calculates all of the tensor components by default.

    • To specify the calculation of the tensor eigenvalues, the tensor component along velocity, and/or the generalized first normal stress difference, select the appropriate Enable menu item(s).

    • To disable any of the currently enabled components, select the corresponding Disable menu item(s).

    No additional parameters or boundary conditions are required, since the postprocessor takes its data from the viscoelastic flow problem itself.

    See Stress Eigenvalues and Components. for details about the evaluation of the eigenvalues and the extra-stress component along the direction of the velocity.