30.11. Tracking of a Material Property

For flow problems, you can track particles by assigning a value of a material property (a conventional scalar field named for "color") in the flow domain and integrating the pure advection of this property in the flow domain:


Equation 30–6 is subject to inlet boundary conditions that can be defined separately on each inlet section. This postprocessor is typically used to calculate the transport of the property in the flow. Each separate entry has a different color represented by a separate value of the property along the inlet. The flow transports the property and you can locate the color at each position in the flow domain.

The continuous interpolation used in the numerical scheme will produce some interpolation error, so intermediate values will also be displayed in the flow domain. However, provided you select distinct values of the property along inlets (such as 1 and 10, for example), you can easily identify regions of the flow in your graphical postprocessing program.

The procedure for specifying the calculation of a material property is as follows:

  1. Create a new sub-task.

      Create a sub-task

    1. Select Postprocessor as the sub-task type.


    2. When prompted, enter a name for the postprocessor sub-task.

  2. In the F.E.M. Task Postprocessor menu, select Tracking of a material property.

      Tracking of a material property

    Ansys Polydata will tell you where the calculation will be performed. You can click OK in the message panel to continue.

  3. Specify the material property along all entry sections.

    Important:  You must specify at least one material property boundary condition.

    1. To specify the material property on a boundary, select the appropriate No condition menu item and click Modify.

    2. Select the Value imposed option.

    3. Enter values for the constants , , , and to satisfy the equation


      1. To modify the value of a constant, select the appropriate Modify menu item.

      2. Enter a New value for the relevant constant and click OK.

    4. Repeat to specify the material properties on other boundaries (if required).