Defining Slot Values

Generally, input slots provide values only if a predecessor is available and executed. Under certain circumstances, you may need to have values defined at input slots, even if they do not (yet) provide a value. This includes, but is not limited to, the Data mining node, where the configuration of the data mining task requires the availability of slot values.

To do this, you can set user-defined slot values.

  1. On the Scenery pane, double-click a node.

  2. Use one of the following methods:

    • Input slot list (if available)

      1. In the Input slots pane, right-click a slot and select Set custom value from the context menu.

      2. Set the required value.

    • Additional options

      1. Click Show additional options.

      2. Click Define custom slot values.

      3. In the row of the slot to define values for, double-click either the Value used in dialog cell or User-defined value cell.

      4. Set the required value.

The availability of slot values in the input slot list is indicated as follows:

  • Available: black

  • Missing: red

  • User-defined value set: orange