Classic optiSLang App

The Classic optiSLang App wizard generates a wizard for the optiSLang Web Service or for desktop-local execution using the current project. The project, along with the defined placeholders and centrally registered files is bundled into a Python optiSLang Application (PyOWA) that an administrator can add as a wizard in the optiSLang Web Service.

You can then use this new wizard to provide input files, set placeholder values and submit the project for execution.

  1. From the menu bar, select File > Save current project as > Generate optiSLang App.

  2. If the project has not been saved before, in the File name field, enter a name for the project and click Save.

  3. Enter a title for the application.

    Optionally, you can also enter a description, select a banner image graphic file, and add documentation (in markdown format).

  4. Click Next.

  5. Review and edit registered files as required.

  6. Click Next.

  7. Review and edit placeholders as required.

  8. Click Next.

  9. Review the files referenced in the project to identify potential problems with missing or absolute file paths. You cannot change file paths in this window.

  10. Click Next.

  11. To test the web application on your local machine, click Test-Run.

    A local optiSLang Web Service instance is started and displayed in a separate window. You can then use this window for testing.

  12. Click Next.

  13. Select the output location of the application file.

    • Save optiSLang App archive to filesystem

      Saves the optiSLang application archive (.owa) file to the local file system. An administrator can add it as a wizard later using the optiSLang Web Service user interface.

      Click   and browse to an output file location.

    • Upload to optiSLang Web Service

      Generates the archive file (temporarily) and directly uploads it to optiSLang Web Service.

      1. Enter the App Name. The name must be unique, any other wizards using this name will be overwritten when the wizard is uploaded.

      2. Click Connect.

      3. Select an authentication method and enter the following information:


        Basic user name/password based authentication for default deployment/configuration (built-in user management in optiSLang Web Service, no OpenID Connect / OAuth2).

        AddressURL of the optiSLang Web Service.
        PortPort of the optiSLang Web Service.
        UsernameUser name used for logging into the optiSLang Web Service.
        PasswordPassword used for logging into the optiSLang Web Service.

        OpenID Connect / OAuth2: Authorization Code Flow

        OpenID Connect/OAuth2 based authentication using the Authorization Code Flow workflow. You are redirected to the login page of the Identity Provider (IDP) for authentication. After successful authentication with the IDP, you are connected to optiSLang Web Service using the provided authentication/authorization.

        AddressURL of the optiSLang Web Service.
        PortPort of the optiSLang Web Service.
        Client IDClient ID for OpenID Connect/OAuth2 based authentication/authorization.
        Client SecretClient secret (if any) for OpenID Connect/OAuth2 based authentication/authorization. This secret string is known only to the application and the authorization server.
        Auth URIAuthentication endpoint for OpenID Connect/OAuth2 based authentication/authorization.
        Token URIToken endpoint for OpenID Connect/OAuth2 based authentication/authorization.
        Token Revocation URIToken revocation endpoint for OpenID Connect/OAuth2 based authentication/authorization.

        Note:  If authentication does not work correctly with the optiSLang built in browser (for example, due to missing capabilities or security policies), you can use the default system browser instead.

        To activate this setting:

        1. From the menu bar, select Edit > Settings.

        2. Under optiSLang Web Service select the Use system default browser for authentication check box.

        OpenID Connect / OAuth2: Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant

        OpenID Connect/OAuth2 based authentication using the Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant workflow. You provide a user name and password to the Identity Provider (IDP) for authentication. After successful authentication with the IDP, you are connected to optiSLang Web Service using the provided authentication/authorization.

        Important:  Passwords are visible to optiSLang when using this workflow.

        AddressURL of the optiSLang Web Service.
        PortPort of the optiSLang Web Service.
        Client IDClient ID for OpenID Connect/OAuth2 based authentication/authorization.
        Client SecretClient secret (if any) for OpenID Connect/OAuth2 based authentication/authorization. This secret string is known only to the application and the authorization server.
        Auth URIAuthentication endpoint for OpenID Connect/OAuth2 based authentication/authorization.
        Token URIToken endpoint for OpenID Connect/OAuth2 based authentication/authorization.
        Token Revocation URIToken revocation endpoint for OpenID Connect/OAuth2 based authentication/authorization.
        UsernameUser name used for logging into the optiSLang Web Service.
        PasswordPassword used for logging into the optiSLang Web Service.

        Note:  You can discover the Auth, Token and Token Revocation URI automatically by clicking Discover OpenID Connect / OAuth2 configuration. If automatic discovery is unable to detect the configuration, the URIs must be provided manually. Refer to the documentation of the IDP for the corresponding OpenID Connect/OAuth2 authentication/authorization API.

      4. Click OK.

    • Upload to Ansys Minerva

      Generates the archive file (temporarily) and directly uploads it to Ansys Minerva.

      1. Enter the App Name. The name must be unique, any other wizards using this name will be overwritten when the wizard is uploaded.

      2. Click Connect.

      3. Enter the following connection information.

        AddressURL of the Ansys Minerva site.
        DatabaseName of the Ansys Minerva database to access.
        UsernameYour Ansys Minerva user name.
        PasswordYour Ansys Minerva password.

      4. Click Load.

      5. From the list, select the directory where you want to save the archive file.

      6. Click OK.

  14. Click Next.

  15. Check the summary to ensure you have selected the appropriate preparation settings.

    The generated/uploaded application archive (.owa) will contain everything required for the wizard:

    • optiSLang project file

    • Centrally registered files definition

    • Placeholders definition

    • Title, description, banner image and documentation

    • Template files

    Along with the specified preparation steps, several implicit steps are applied:

    • The project is reset

    • The project is set to keep the working files in the working directory

  16. Click Finish.