Known Issues and Limitations

Known issues and limitations follow:

File format is not supported

If your file format is not supported by oSP3D:


  • Try to convert your files to a supported format using your CAE postprocessor or preprocessor.

  • Contact Ansys Support.

If your file format should be supported by oSP3D, but it is not correctly imported:


  • For LS-DYNA, check out the demonstration example files to see how your files must be formatted.

  • Email your files along with a description of the intended behavior and experienced behavior to .

On Linux, an error message displays: QXcbConnection: Could not connect to display

When running oSP3D in batch mode (-b), a running X server is still required. This is because oSP3D has the ability to export images in batch mode.


Set the environment variable DISPLAY to the display of your X server. For example:

# Get running X servers:
ps aux|grep X

# output:
root     119066  0.0  0.2 137904 35064 tty7     Ss+  09:46   0:01 /usr/bin/Xorg :1

export DISPLAY=:1

On systems without display hardware, Xvfb - virtual framebuffer X server can be used to emulate a framebuffer using virtual memory.

On Linux, X11 errors and terminate at startup

oSP3D requires at least OpenGL 2.2 with shader support. You may either need a graphics card that supports it through appropriate drivers or MESA emulation rendering OpenGL using the CPU. Further, OpenGL transmissions over network are not supported by many available X clients and servers.

Steps: Send Ansys Support an incident report that includes a description of your problem along with screen shots and information on your graphics card and graphics driver, including version numbers and dates.


  • Too weak of a graphics card

  • Too large of a FEM mesh

  • Too little RAM


  • Use the fast rendering mode when changing camera position by mouse instead of the default rendering mode. In the fast rendering mode, only outlines are drawn while changing the camera. In the default rendering mode, outlines and surfaces are drawn while changing the camera.

  • Reduce the size of the scene, either by reducing the size of the oSP3D main window or by selecting Show 4 scenes instead of Show 1 scene.

  • Before loading any data into oSP3D, run the following script command to disable visualization of the interior of structures:


    Additionally, you can run this script command to disable the whole graphics system:
