3.1.2. Level Set Based Topology Optimization Shape Processing

Another topology optimization technology method is the level-set based method. Originally used for computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to track fluid-interface it is also applied in structural optimization.

Shape Description

This method manages shape description through pure geometric information and defines a shape without ambiguity. That is, for the shape, defined over the working domain, using an auxiliary function, denoted as the level-set function, specifies positive, zero, or negative values, such that:

  • This implicit representation of the shape enables you to make topological changes without needing to detect topological modifications and reconstruct shape parametrizations.

  • Provides a convenient framework for the calculation of geometric quantities, such as the exterior normal vector: .

  • For the level-set functions that provide the same shape description, Ansys uses the signed-distance function (SDF) [DF2012], defined as:

    where denotes the standard Euclidian distance from a point to the boundary .

  • The level-set function is discretized at vertices of the mesh and interpolated inside the elements.

Shape Evaluation

The application evaluates the criteria on a fixed mesh. However, the definition of the mechanical properties is simple and generic, that is:

  • Any element lying inside of the shape has a density value of 1.

  • Any element lying outside the shape is specified as a void-material.

  • As to the one layer of elements cut by the zero level-set, they receive an intermediate density in accordance with the solid fraction.

Pseudo-density used for the modification of the mechanical properties.

Using the ersatz-material approach [5], each material property is interpolated as , where Evoid << Esolid corresponds to the material properties of a weak material representing the void.

Shape Derivative

The application computes the shape derivative using the continuous formalism defined by Hadamard (see [5]). That is, given a shape perturbation , the asymptotic expansion reads:


is current shape.
is the shape perturbation.
is the new shape.

The shape derivative usually admits the following form:

For the form, the integrand, , depends on the criterion, , through both the solution state of the mechanical problem and some corresponding adjoint-state.

Shape perturbation by a vector field .

Shape Update

Given a shape perturbation , the application updates the shape by solving a transport equation for the level-set function [BDF2012]:


The degrees of freedom for this method are based on the boundary of the shape.

Enables you to easily manage topological changes.
It delivers an unambiguous solution.
Place in Design Stage

Used early in the design process to sketch conceptual designs.

Produces a less accurate evaluation that the body-fitted approach.
Due to the heavy machinery, the run is sometimes more expensive compared to the density method.

Use a uniform mesh to equally capture geometric details for the entire domain.


[4] C. Dapogny, P. Frey, Computation of the signed distance function to a discrete contour on adapted triangulation, Calcolo, 2012.

[5] G. Allaire, F. Jouve, AM Toader, Structural optimization using sensitivity analysis and a level-set method, Journal of computational physics, 2004.

[6] C. Bui, C. Dapogny, P. Frey. An accurate anisotropic adaptation method for solving the level set advection equation, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 2012.

[7] S. Osher, JA Sethian, Fronts propagating with curvature-dependent speed: Algorithms based on Hamilton-Jacobi formulations, Journal of computational physics, 1988.