Chapter 1: DesignLife Add-on

The Mechanical Embedded DesignLife UI is an add-on to the Ansys Mechanical User Interface that makes the fatigue analysis capabilities of the nCode DesignLife product available from within the Mechanical environment. The nCode DesignLife product is a partner product from HBM Prenscia.

The DesignLife Add-on is developed to evaluate fatigue life. Using the results of finite element analysis (FEA) from Ansys Mechanical and Ansys LS-DYNA, it accumulates damage from repetitive loading to determine a product's predicted life. You can quickly evaluate the effects of different materials and alternative geometries for new designs and optimize design variables for the product's expected usage before exhaustive and expensive prototyping and testing.

The DesignLife UI Add-on is only available on the Windows operating system. Its use also requires an Ansys nCode DesignLife license. If you do not already have the license, contact your Ansys Sales Representative to obtain one.

For more information about fatigue analysis in Ansys Mechanical, see Fatigue Results.