Transient Thermal Conduction of 3 and 4 Node Shell Elements


Reference: Kreith, F. (1959). Principles of Heat Transfer (2nd ed.). International Textbook Co.
Analysis Type(s): Transient Thermal
Element Type(s): Shell
Input Files:Link to Input Files Download Page

Test Case

Two slabs have length 2 m, height 1 m, and thickness 1 m. The initial temperature, T0, of each is 1000°C. A constant flux of q1" = -1.0 W/m2 and q2” = 1.0 W/m2 is applied to each slab, respectively, on the top and bottom surfaces. The slabs have density ρ = 1kg/m3 and specific heat C = 1.0 J/kg °C. Find the temperature of each slab at t = 100 s

Figure 47: Problem Sketch

Problem Sketch

Material PropertiesGeometric PropertiesLoading
k = 1 W/(m °C)L = 2.0 mT0 = 1000°C
C = 1.0 J/kg °Cd = 1.0 mq1" = -1.0W/m2
ρ = 1 kg/m3 H = 1.0 mq2" = 1.0W/m2

Analysis Assumptions and Modeling Notes

LS-DYNA Thermal Solver 1 is used. Shell elements with ELFORM 1 and thickness 1.0 m are used. The mesh of each slab is comprised of one four-node shell and two three-node shell elements. The initial temperature is set using *INITIAL_TEMPERATURE. The constant surface flux is defined using *BOUNDARY_FLUX. LOC is set to -1 and 1 to apply flux on both the top and bottom surface of shells. TSHELL is set to 1 in *CONTROL_SHELL to allow conduction through thickness of shells. Structural material properties are defined using *MAT_RIGID. Thermal material properties are defined in *MAT_THERMAL_ISOTROPIC.

Consider the rate of heat flow from both the top and bottom surfaces:

The same equation can be expressed as:

LHS is integrated from t = 0    to    t = 100 s. And RHS is integrated from T0 = 1000°C     to     Tf,. When q1" = -1.0 W/m2 and q2" = 1.0 W/m2, the slabs have final temperature Tf = 1200°C and Tf  = 800, respectively, at t = 100 s.

Figure 48: Fringe plot of temperature Tf in each model at t = 100 s

Fringe plot of temperature Tf in each model at t = 100 s

Results Comparison

ResultTargetLS-DYNAError (%)

Temperature, Tf

(q1” = -1.0W/m2)


Temperature, Tf

(q2” = 1.0W/m2)
