Transient Linear Thermal Structural Analysis


Reference: Kreith, F. (1959). Principles of Heat Transfer (2nd ed.). International Textbook Co.
Analysis Type(s): Transient Linear Thermal Structural
Element Type(s): Shell
Input Files:Link to Input Files Download Page

Test Case

Three plates, each 0.001 m thick, are stacked on top of each other. The bottom plate C is constrained in all translational degrees of freedom. The top plate A is constrained in x and y translation. The displacement of the middle plate B is constrained in the x-direction on one edge and in the y-direction on the adjacent edge. Each plate has a thermal density ρ = 1kg/m3 and specific heat c = 1 J/kg°C.

The top and bottom plates have constant temperatures of 0°C, while the middle plate has an initial temperature of 100°C. The top and bottom plates have constant static and dynamic friction coefficients with respect to temperature of 0.3 and 0.4, respectively.

A linearly increasing pressure load is applied to the top surface according to the equation:

The contact conductance between the middle and top plate is a function of the interface pressure according to the equation:

Find the transient temperature Tb of the middle plate 0.02 seconds into loading.

Figure 41: Problem Sketch

Problem Sketch

Material PropertiesGeometric PropertiesLoading
l = 0.001 mρ = 1kg/m3 P(t) = (1e9)t
c = 1 J/kg°CTa = Tc = T = 0°C
h(P) = (5e-6)P Tb-initial = 100°C

Analysis Assumptions and Modeling Notes

LS-DYNA Thermal Solver 3 is used. ATYPE is set to 1 in *CONTROL_THERMAL_SOLVER to establish transient analysis. SOLN is set to 2 in *CONTROL_SOLUTION to specify coupled structural thermal analysis. The plates are modeled as shells with ELFORM 1 and thickness 0.001 m. Translational constraints are made using the *NODE keyword. Temperature boundary constraints and initial temperatures are made with *BOUNDARY_TEMPERATURE and *INITIAL_TEMPERATURE, respectively.

The top plate pressure load is applied using *LOAD_SEGMENT. Contact between the middle and bottom plate is established with *CONTACT_SURFACE_TO_SURFACE. Contact between the top and middle plate is established using *CONTACT_SURFACE_TO_SURFACE_THERMAL_FRICTION, where the static and dynamic friction coefficients with respect to temperature are specified. This keyword also defines the thermal contact conductance as a function of temperature and pressure between the top and middle plate. *LOAD_SURFACE_STRESS is specified so contact pressure between shell elements will be calculated.

Combining the contact conductance as a function of pressure and the pressure as a function of time, we obtain the heat transfer coefficient as a function of time:

The rate of heat flow out of the body can be described by the control volume energy balance:

An alternate form of the equation with the heat transfer coefficient as a function of time can be written as:

Having performed the separation of variables and having integrated temperature T (from 100°C to Tb) and time t (from 0 to 0.02 s) gives the analytical solution Tb = 36.788°C.

Figure 42: Fringe plot of temperature°C, initial state

Fringe plot of temperature°C, initial state

Figure 43: Fringe plot of temperature°C , t = 0.02 s

Fringe plot of temperature°C , t = 0.02 s

Results Comparison

 TargetLS-DYNAError (%)
Temperature at Tb37.639°C37.282°C0.95%