Steady State Nonlinear Thermal Analysis with Radiation Between Contact Surfaces


Reference: Kreith, F. (1959). Principles of Heat Transfer (2nd ed.). International Textbook Co.
Analysis Type(s): Steady State Nonlinear Thermal
Element Type(s): Shell
Input Files:Link to Input Files Download Page

Test Case

Surface A with temperature Ta = 293 °C hovers 0.1 m above surface B. A constant flux of -100 W/m2, is applied to the bottom surface. Find the steady state temperature Tb of surface B due to radiation.

Figure 39: Problem Sketch

Problem Sketch

Material PropertiesGeometric PropertiesLoading

frad = 3.78x10-8 W/(m24)

gap = 0.1 mTa = 293 °C
A = 1 m2 qb” = -100 W/m2

Analysis Assumptions and Modeling Notes

LS-DYNA Thermal Solver 1 is used. PTYPE is set to 1 in *CONTROL_THEMAL_SOLVER to specify a nonlinear problem with material properties evaluated at gauss point temperature. Both surfaces are modeled as shell elements with ELFORM 1. A constant flux was applied to each node on the bottom surface using *BOUNDARY_FLUX_SET. Radiant heat transfer is specified in *CONTACT_SURFACE_TO_SURFACE_THERMAL where the radiation factor is set to 3.78E-08 W/(m2°C4).

Heat flux due to radiation is given below:

At steady state,

From the above equation, the analytical solution for Tb is obtained as 316.351°C.

Figure 40: Fringe plot of temperature (°C)

Fringe plot of temperature (°C)

Results Comparison

 TargetLS-DYNAError (%)
Temperature at Tb 316.351°C316.347°C0.001%