3.6. History Variable Output

Material models in LS-DYNA use history variables that are specific to the material model. For most materials, six variables are reserved for the Cauchy stress components and one for the effective plastic strain, but some models have many more. The extra history variables may include properties like strain energy density and strain rate, and may also include information like material direction cosines and scale factors.

The output of these extra history variables is defined in the Output Controls section of the Analysis Settings Details.

If you set History Variables to Yes (the default is No), LS-DYNA automatically sets the number of history variables for shell and solid elements in the model. It calculates the value depending on the materials and on the type of bodies present in the model.

Depending on the material assigned to your body, you will have history variables available in the Solution Worksheet and can evaluate them as a User Defined Result.

The number of extra history variables is dependent on the material model used. The following table shows the history variables for the equation of state/material combinations supported by LS-DYNA.

Materials Supported in LSDYNACorresponding Mat NumberVar No.Shells (and Thick Shells Types 1,2,6)Var No.Solids (and Thick Shell Types 3,5,6)
 1reverse of old yield stress  
 4 - sine(alpha  
 6effective strain rate  
 7current yield stress  
 8current hardening slope  
 9back stress component alpha_11  
 10back stress component alpha_22  
 11back stress component alpha_12  
*MAT_BLATZ-KO_RUBBER*MAT_007NA 1..9deformation gradient
*MAT_ELASTIC*MAT_001eqpvolumetric straineqpvolumetric strain
(MAT_054)1flag for longitudinal tensile failure mode  
(MAT_054)2flag for longitudinal compressive failure mode  
(MAT_054)3flag for transverse tensile failure mode  
(MAT_054)4flag for transverse compressive failure  
(MAT_054)6total failure  
(MAT_054)8damage parameter (SOFT)  
(MAT_054)10 - sine(alpha)   
(MAT_054)11local strain a-direction  
(MAT_054)12local strain b-direction  

local shear strain (ab-plane)

transverse shear damage

 1damage in longitudinal direction  
 2damage in transverse direction  
 3damage in shear  
 7 -sine(alpha  
 8total failure flag (1=not failed, 0=failed)  
 10local strain a-direction  
 11local strain b-direction  
 12local shear strain (ab-plane)  
 15effective strain  
 16local strain c-direction  
 17local transverse shear strain (bc-plane)  
 18local transverse shear strain (ca-plane)  
 19damage variable for transverse shear behavior  
 20strain-rate in a-direction  
 21strain-rate in b-direction  
 22strain-rate in ab-plane  
 1failure value5temperature change
 3current pressure cutoff6JC damage parameter
 4JC damage parameter  
 5temperature change  
 6JC failure strain  
 1effective strain rate1effective strain rate
 6thinning strain7major principal strain
7major in plane strain
 eqpstiffness component C111..9deformation gradient
 1stiffness component C12  
 2stiffness component C13  
 3stiffness component C14  
 4stiffness component C22  
 5stiffness component C23  
 6stiffness component C24  
 7stiffness component C33  
 8stiffness component C34  
 9stiffness component C44  
 10stiffness component C55  
 11stiffness component C56  
 12stiffness component C66  

effective strain rate (VP=0);

effective plastic strain rate (VP=1)


effective strain rate (VP=0);

effective plastic strain rate (VP=1)

 4current hardening slope4current hardening slope

current yield stress

Remark: 4 and 5 apply only to non-strain-rate option.


current yield stress

Remark: 4 and 5 apply only to non-strain-rate option.

 1back stress component xx1back stress component xx
 2back stress component yy2back stress component yy
 3back stress component xy3back stress component xy
 4back stress component yz4back stress component yz
 5back stress component zx5back stress component zx

max(0,ln(normalized eff strain rate)) (VP=0)

failure flag (VP=1)

 2current hardening slope  
3current yield stress

The following table shows the history variables for equation of state/material combinations supported by LS-DYNA.

Equation of StateMaterialVar No.Var Description
*EOS_JWL (EOS_002) *MAT_HIGH_EXPLOSIVE_BURN (*MAT_008) 1 Internal Energy
2 Bulk Viscosity
3 Volume
4 Burn Fraction
5 Afterburn Energy

Note:   For User Defined Results with the Output Unit value of No Units, the unit system used is the one defined in the Unit System field in the Analysis Settings Solver Controls section. For User Defined Results with an Output Unit value other than No Units, the unit system used is the one defined in the Mechanical Home tab.