4.3. Multi-stage process simulation

Files required:

5_4_3_App_MF.zip: Download

Unit System:

  • mm-second-tonne-Newton


  1. Stage1: gravity, closing and drawing.

  2. Stage2: trimming and springback.

  3. Stage3: tipping.

  4. Stage4: flanging and springback.

4.3.1. Import Blank and Forming Tools

  1. Open the File menu.

  2. Open the File > Import menu.

  3. Choose File > Import > Nastran File.

  4. Select the binder.nas, blank.nas, die.nas, and punch.nas Nastran files.

  5. Click Import No Offset.

4.3.2. Rename Blank and Tools

  1. Right-click part 1, named Shell, in the parts tree to open the context menu.

  2. Choose Rename from the context menu.

  3. Enter the name blank and press Enter.

  4. Rename the other parts of the assembly

    • 2 = die.

    • 3 = punch.

    • 4 = binder.


4.3.3. Gravity, Closing, and Drawing

Choose Application > Metal Forming > Easy Setup from the menus.

  1. In the Stage Definition section, click stage1.

  2. In the Process Selection section, transfer the Gravity, Closing, and Loading processes from the Available list to the Selected list.


4.3.4. Define the Die

Continuing in the Metal Forming eZsetup Wizard:

  1. Click the Die tab.

  2. Click pick.

  3. In the Graphics Window click the part (pid = 2) that is the die to pick it.

4.3.5. Define the Binder

Continuing in the Metal Forming eZsetup Wizard:

  1. Click the Binder tab.

  2. Click pick.

  3. In the Graphics Window click the part (pid = 4) that is the binder to pick it.

  4. Set User-set cushion travel distance = 130.

4.3.6. Define the Punch

Continuing in the Metal Forming eZsetup Wizard:

  1. Click the Punch tab.

  2. Click pick.

  3. In the parts list right-click the part name (3 punch) to pick it.

4.3.7. Define Blank and Material

Continuing in the Metal Forming eZsetup Wizard:

  1. Click the Blank tab.

  2. Click pick.

  3. In the Graphics Window click the part (pid = 1) that is the blank to pick it.

  4. Click MD to open the Material Database window.

  5. If the material file is in the current working directory, click the Hard Drive button.

  6. Find the blank mat.k material file in the directory and select it.

  7. Click OK.

  8. Set Thickness = 0.9 and Friction = 0.12.

4.3.8. Define the Drawbeads

Choose File > Import > IGES File from the menus, and import bead_lines.igs.

Then, in the Metal Forming eZsetup Wizard:

  1. Click the Drawbead tab.

  2. Click pick curves.

  3. In the Sel. geom window click Active.

  4. In the Graphics Window, right-click the imported bead lines to pick them.

4.3.9. Drawbead Force Modify

Continuing in the Metal Forming eZsetup Wizard's Drawbead tab:

  1. Set Full Lock Force = 230.

  2. Click modify.

  3. Click DBEAD6 in the DrawBead List.

  4. Set the Force Scale Factor = 40.

  5. Click Accept.

    Repeat these steps for other Drawbeads until the factors are all set to the values shown in this table:

    Drawbead NameForce Percentage (%)
    1 DBead150
    2 DBead250
    3 DBead350
    4 DBead450
    5 DBead550
    6 DBead640
    7 DBead720
    8 DBead810
    9 DBead910
    10 DBead1010
    11 DBead1120
    12 DBead1220
    13 DBead1320
    14 DBead1420
    15 DBead1530
    16 DBead1630
    17 DBead1730
    18 DBead1830
  6. Click Done.

4.3.10. Process Control (Gravity)

Continuing in the Metal Forming eZsetup Wizard:

  1. Click the Control tab.

  2. Click the Gravity sub-tab.

  3. Activate Blank Pre-bending, and select Along global X.

4.3.11. Process Control (Closing)

Continuing in the Metal Forming eZsetup Wizard's Control tab:

  1. Click the Closing sub-tab.

  2. Set #States=10, and set Distance To Home=5,3,2,1.

4.3.12. Process Control (Forming)

Continuing in the Metal Forming eZsetup Wizard's Control tab:

  1. Click the Forming sub-tab.

  2. Select for springback.

  3. Set Closing, #States=1, set Drawing, #States=18, and set Drawing, Distance To Home=15,10,3,2,1 .

4.3.13. Trimming and Springback

Continuing in the Metal Forming eZsetup Wizard:

  1. Click the Setup tab.

  2. Select stage2.

  3. Click Add.

  4. Remove Forming from Selected Processes, then add Trimming and Springback.

4.3.14. Import Trim Curve

Choose File > Import > IGES File from the menus, and import trimline.igs.

4.3.15. Process Control (Trimming)

Continuing in the Metal Forming eZsetup Wizard:

  1. Click the Control tab.

  2. Click the Trimming sub-tab.

  3. Click Pick Curves.

  4. In the graphics window, pick the trim curve and then right-click it.

  5. Click Seed Location.

  6. Pick a location inside the trim curve.

4.3.16. Process Control (Springback)

Continuing in the Metal Forming eZsetup Wizard's Control tab and Springback sub-tab:

  1. Click Pick Location.

  2. Pick a location inside the trim curve.

  3. Pick another location inside the trim curve.

  4. Pick a final location inside the trim curve, then right-click.

4.3.17. Tipping

Continuing in the Metal Forming eZsetup Wizard's Setup tab:

  1. Select stage3.

  2. Click Add.

  3. Remove Forming from Selected Processes, then add Tipping.

4.3.18. Process Control (Tipping)

Continuing in the Metal Forming eZsetup Wizard:

  1. Click the Control tab.

  2. Enter the Translation, Rotation, and Angle values shown in the figure.

4.3.19. Flanging and Springback

Continuing in the Metal Forming eZsetup Wizard:

  1. Click the Setup tab.

  2. Select stage4.

  3. Click Add.

  4. Remove Forming from Selected Processes, then add Flanging and Springback. Import Files

  1. Import flanging tools:

    1. Choose File > Import > LS-DYNA Keyword File from the menus.

    2. Select threeflgs5.k.

    3. Click Import Offset.

  2. Import flanging direction line:

    Choose File > Import > IGES File from the menus, and import flangingdir.iges.

  3. Import pre-adaptive curve:

    Choose File > Import > IGES File from the menus, and import lineadp.iges. Process Control (Flanging Control)

Continuing in the Metal Forming eZsetup Wizard:

  1. Click the Control tab.

  2. Activate Pre-adaptive Mesh Along Curve.

  3. Click Pick.

  4. In the graphics window, pick the curve and then right-click it. Process Control (Flanging Post)

Continuing in the Metal Forming eZsetup Wizard's Control/Flanging tab:

  1. Click the Post sub-tab.

  2. Click Pick.

  3. In the graphics window, pick the part (pid=8). Process Control (Flanging Pad)

Continuing in the Metal Forming eZsetup Wizard's Control/Flanging tab:

  1. Click the Pad sub-tab.

  2. Click Pick.

  3. In the graphics window, pick the part (pid=6). Process Control (Flanging Steels)

Continuing in the Metal Forming eZsetup Wizard's Control/Flanging tab:

  1. Click the Flg1 sub-tab.

  2. Click Pick.

  3. In the graphics window, pick the part (pid=9).

  4. Click Define.

  5. Pick one endpoint of the line.

  6. Pick the other endpoint of the line.

  7. In the Entity Creation window, click Apply. Process Control (Add Flanging Steels)

Continuing in the Metal Forming eZsetup Wizard's Control/Flanging/Flg2 tab:

  1. Click +.

  2. Click Pick.

  3. In the graphics window, pick the part (pid=10).

  4. Click Define.

  5. Repeat . Create a Second Flanging Steel

Repeat the steps in

to define one more flanging steel and their direction. Process Control (Springback)

Continuing in the Metal Forming eZsetup Wizard's Control tab:

  1. Click the SpringBack sub-tab.

  2. Select the Inertia Relief springback control option.

. Submit Job: LS-DYNA Input Deck Output

Continuing in the Metal Forming eZsetup Wizard:

  1. Click the Submit tab.

  2. Set Sub-Folder=demo.

  3. Set File Name=test.

  4. Click Output. Running LS-DYNA In Windows

Submit test.bat to execute the LS-DYNA solver run.


  1. Simulations involving gravity, springback, and static implicit must use the double precision (DP) solver.

  2. All other dynamic explicit simulation (for example, draw, or flanging) uses the SP solver.

  3. The DP solver is slower than the SP solver.

4.3.20. Multi-flanging Setup

Files required:

5_4_4_App_MF.zip: Download

Unit System:

  • mm-second-tonne-Newton Import Files

  1. Import the blank and tools:

    1. Choose File > Import > LS-DYNA Keyword File from the menus.

    2. Select blank.k and tools.k.

    3. Click Import NoOffset.

  2. Choose File > Import > IGES File from the menus, and import FlangingVectors1_higherposition.iges. Setup Stage 1 (Flanging)

  1. Choose Application > Metal Forming > Easy Setup from the menus.

  2. Remove Forming from Selected Processes, then add Flanging. Define Blank and Material

Continuing in the Metal Forming eZsetup Wizard's Blank tab:

  1. Click pick.

  2. In the graphics window, pick the part (pid=1).

  3. Set Thickness=0.7.

  4. Click MD.

  5. In the Material Database window, open the Steel folder.

  6. Open the BH180 folder.

  7. Find and select the material file M37_Curve_BH180_NUMI2005Decklid.k.

  8. Click OK. Flanging Control

Continuing in the Metal Forming eZsetup Wizard's Control/Flanging/Control tab:

  1. Activate Pre-adaptive Mesh Along Curve.

  2. Click Pick.

  3. In the graphics window, select the curves indicated in the figure to define the mesh, then right-click to complete the selection. Flanging Post

Continuing in the Metal Forming eZsetup Wizard's Control/Flanging tab:

  1. Click the Post sub-tab.

  2. Click pick.

  3. In the graphics window, pick the part (pid=3). Flanging Pad

Continuing in the Metal Forming eZsetup Wizard's Control/Flanging tab:

  1. Click the Pad sub-tab.

  2. Click pick.

  3. In the graphics window, pick the part (pid=9). Flanging Steel 1 Part

Continuing in the Metal Forming eZsetup Wizard's Contro/Flanging/Flg1 tab:

  1. Click pick.

  2. In the graphics window, pick the part (pid=8).

  3. In the wizard, the flanging steel will blink yellow until it is defined, then it will be green.

  4. Click Apply. Add Flanging Steel 2 to 4

Continuing in the Metal Forming eZsetup Wizard's Contro/Flanging/Flg2 tab:

  1. Click +.

  2. Click pick.

  3. In the graphics window, pick the part (pid=10).

  4. Click Define.

  5. Pick one endpoint of the line.

  6. Pick the other endpoint of the line.

  7. Click Apply.

  8. Repeat these steps to define Flg3 and Flg4. Submit Job: LS-DYNA Input Deck Output

Continuing in the Metal Forming eZsetup Wizard:

  1. Click the Submit tab.

  2. Set SubFolder=flanging.

  3. Set File Name=test and then click Output. Save Project File

  1. Choose File > Save > Save Project from the menus.

  2. Set the Project name to demo.

  3. Click Save.

Note:  The project file is an important database file, containing the complete model and EZSetup information. It can be reloaded back into LS-PrePost for changes in process or models. Running LS-DYNA in Windows

Submit test.bat to execute the LS-DYNA solver run.

  1. Simulations involving gravity, springback, or static implicit must use the double precision (DP) solver.

  2. All other dynamic explicit simulations (for example,draw or flanging) use the SP solver.

  3. The DP solver is slower than the SP solver.

4.3.21. Post Processing

Files required:

5_4_5_App_MF.zip: Download Import Files

Choose File > Open > LS-DYNA Binary Plot from the menus, and select d3plot. Create a Movie (.wmv)

  1. Choose File > Movie...from the menus.

  2. Set File name=movie_000.

  3. Click Start.

Note:  Use MediaPlayer to open and play the movie file. Cut a Section Plane

Choose MFPost > Section from the menus.

  1. Activate BaseNd.

  2. In the graphics window, pick a location.

  3. Click NormX.

  4. Click Cut.

. Move the Cut Planes

Continuing in the Section Plane panel:

  1. Click Options.

  2. Choose a Line Width of 3 from the drop-down menu.

  3. Click Cut.

  4. Click the left arrow next to MP Anim.

. Save Multiple Cut Sections in Keyword Format

Continuing in the Section Plane panel:

  1. Activate Keep Cuts.

  2. Click the left arrow next to MP Anim.

  3. Click Options.

  4. Click Curr State.

  5. Click Write.


Note:  Read in the saved cut sections into a fresh LS-PrePost session as keyword file, and check for the saved cuts. This is useful in springback measurement comparisons. Plot Thickness/Thinning Contour

In the right tool bar, click Model, and then SelPart.

  1. Select S 1.

  2. Click the End button.

  3. Click Done.

In the right tool bar, click MFPost, and then FriComp.

  1. In the Fringe Component panel, click Forming.

  2. Select Thickness.

  3. Click Done. Set Contour Range for Thickness Contour

In the right tool bar, click MFPost, and then FriRang.

  1. In the Fringe Range panel, select User.

  2. Set Min=0.56 and Max=0.7.

  3. Set Level=12.

  4. Click Update. Set Contour Range for Thinning Contour

  1. In the right tool bar, click MFPost, then FriComp, and select Thinning.

  2. In the right tool bar, click MFPost, then FriRang, and select User.

  3. Set Min=0 and Max=20.

  4. Activate Reverse Colors.

  5. Set Level=12.

  6. Click Update. Save a JPG for the Screen Display

  1. Open the File menu.

  2. Choose Print....

  3. Select To File.

  4. Set Name=image_000.

  5. Click Print. Plot Thinning Distribution Along a Section

In the right toolbar click MFPost, then Section.

  1. Select 1p+NL.

  2. De-activate BaseND.

  3. In the graphics window, pick a location close to the indicated node.

  4. Click NormY.

  5. Click Cut.

  6. Click Line.

  7. Click Plot. Identify Detailed Results in Value

Open the Identify panel.

  1. Select Element.

  2. Activate and De-activate the additional options as shown in the figure.

  3. In the graphics window, click the part to view values at that point.

    Click-and-drag the pointer over the part to view constantly updated values. Plot FLD

In the right toolbar click MFPost, then FLD.

  1. Set t=0.7.

  2. Set n=0.21.

  3. Select Part.

  4. Pick any location on the part (pid=1).

  5. Choose Middle from the Position drop-down menu.

  6. Choose Formability from the drop-down menu.

  7. Click Plot.

  8. In the Formability Diagram dialog, set R-value=1.82 and press Enter. Plot In-plane Major/Minor Strain Vectors

In the Vector Plot panel:

  1. Choose P. Inplane Stress from the drop-down menu.

  2. Choose 2.0 from the SF drop-down menu.

  3. Select El/Node.

  4. Pick a location on the part to display the strain vectors at that location.

. Blank Draw-in

In the feature tree, deactivate parts until only the blank (1 S) and binder (4 S) are visible.

In the right toolbar, click MFPost then DrawIn. In the Blank edge draw-in panel:

  1. Activate Pick Blank Part.

  2. In the graphics window, click the blank to pick it.

  3. Activate Pick Binder Part.

  4. In the graphics window, click the binder to pick it.

  5. Set Select A Reference State=1.

  6. Click Show.

  7. In the Animate panel, click End to display the final state of the formed part.

. Plot Tool Tonnage

In the right toolbar, click MFPost then ACII. In the ASCII panel:

  1. Select rcforc.

  2. Click Load to open the rcforc file.

  3. Select Ma-1: die.

  4. Select 3-Z-force.

  5. Click Plot.


Note:  1 English ton = 8900 Newton. Plot Sheet Blank Mass Increase

Continuing in the ASCII panel:

  1. Select glstat.

  2. Click Load to open the glstat file.

  3. Select 18-% Mass Increase.

  4. Click Plot.
