Creating a Project

All the files required for a particular analysis are contained within a project. You can either create a new project or open an existing project.

Note:  If you already have a project open, creating a new project will close the current project.

To create a project:

  1. Create a working directory where you will keep all of the files associated with your project.

  2. Select File > New Project.

  3. Browse to the working directory that you created.

  4. Specify a File name for the project and click Save.

    Note:  The special characters Ä, ä, Ç, Ö, ö, Ü, and ü are not supported in file names on Linux.

The Project directory typically contains one or more of the following file types:

Project Settings (*.prj)

An ICEM CFD project file contains the information necessary to manage the data files associated with your project.

Tetin (*.tin)

Contains geometry entities, material points, parts associations, and global and entity mesh sizes.

Mesh (*.uns)

Includes details of the line, shell, and volume mesh elements of the project. Shell meshes are composed of triangular and/or quadrilateral elements; volume meshes may include tetrahedra, hexahedra, pyramids, and/or prisms.

Blocking (*.blk)

Includes details of the underlying framework used to create a structured hexahedral mesh in your project. Blocking files can also be loaded from, or saved to, an unstructured mesh.

Attributes (*.atr) or (*.fbc)

Maintain the association of user-specified data for parts, element properties, loads, and constraints with the nodes/elements of the mesh for a project.

Parameters (*.par)

Contains mesh-independent data such as material properties, local coordinate systems, solver analysis setup, and run parameters. The data in the parameters file is cross-referred in the attributes file when a set of parameters is associated with the nodes/elements of the mesh.

Cartesian (*crt)

Contains information regarding the Cartesian grid, if one has been created for your project.

Journal (*.jrf)

Contains a record of the operations performed (see General in the Ansys ICEM CFD Help Manual).

Replay (*.rpl)

Contains a replay script (see Replay Scripts in the Ansys ICEM CFD Help Manual).