Translation Functions

These commands are used to translate data files from one recognized format to another.

ic_trans_ddn_tetin ddn tetin

Transfers the given DDN part file into the named tetin file.

ic_trans_ug_tetin prt tetin mode [ug_default] usr_script [""] usr_opts [""]

Transfers the given Unigraphics part file into the named tetin file.

prtpath to UG part
tetinpath to new Tetin name
modetranslation mode
  • ug_default -- same output as interactive interface

  • named -- output only named entities

  • levels -- output all entities; levels mapped to families

  • user -- run user supplied script

usr_scriptcustom script supplied by user
usr_optsoptions supplied for user script

For example usage, refer to ic_trans_ug_tetin.tcl in the Ansys installation directory under v242/icemcfd/Samples/ProgrammersGuide/med_test.

ic_trans_gems_tetin prt tetin [""] tol [0.0001] isRel [1]

Transfers the given GEMS surface file into the named tetin file.

prtthe GEMS file
tetinthe output file, defaults to a filename derived from the gems filename, prt.
tolspecifies the tetin triangulation tolerance. defaults to 0.0001
isRelwhen set, the triangulation tolerance is scaled by the part radius, defaults to 1.

For example usage, refer to ic_trans_gems_tetin.tcl in the Ansys installation directory under v242/icemcfd/Samples/ProgrammersGuide/med_test.

ic_trans_tetin_ddn tetin iparta pname [""] units [-mm]

Transfers the given tetin file into the named DDN part file.

tetintetin file
ipartaDDN IPARTA file
pnameDDN Part Name
unitsunits flag


  • If the pname argument is given, that is used for the part name. Otherwise the name of the tetin file is used.

  • The units flag may take on the following values:

    -mm (default)millimeters
    -inches inches
  • DDN likes IPARTA files to reside in a directory called parts.

  • For example usage, refer to ic_trans_tetin_ddn.tcl in the Ansys installation directory under v242/icemcfd/Samples/ProgrammersGuide/med_test.

ic_trans_tetin_brepxml tetin brepxmlfile light_export [""]

Transfers the given tetin file into the named DesignSpace BrepXML file. If the brepxmlfile argument is given that is used for the part name. Else the name of the tetin file is used. If light_export is specified, then the graphics only BrepXML file is written.

ic_trans_iges_ddn igesfile ddnpart ddnfile dir_file [default] dir_file_user [""] data_red [0] listing_file [""] run_icempt [0] trans_dos [0]

Transfers the given IGES file igesfile into the DDN file ddnpart. The type of directive file dir_file may be one of none, default, catia or user, among which default is the default; it if is user then must be specified. You may also specify data reduction data_red, a listing file listing_file, the option to run icemptrun_icempt after the translation, and the option to translate DOS text trans_dos.

ic_trans_iges_tetin igesfile tetinfile dir_file [default] dir_file_user [""] data_red [0] list_file [""] run_icempt [0] trans_dos [0]

Transfers the given IGES file igesfile into the tetin file tetinfile. The type of directive file dir_file may be one of none, default, catia or user, among which default is the default; it if is user then must be specified. You may also specify data reduction data_red, a listing file listing_file, the option to run icemptrun_icempt after the translation, and the option to translate DOS text trans_dos.

ic_trans_ddn_iges ddn_file iges_name listing_file [""] dir_file [""]

Transfers the given DDN part file ddn_file to the IGES file iges_name. The listing file listing_file will be saved if specified, and the directive file dir_file if specified.

ic_trans_ddn_tvda infile outfile selected tvda_dir [""] tvda_list [""]

Transfers the given DDN part infile to the TVDA file outfile. The DDN selected partname selected is specified for the directive file created. The directive file tvda_dir is optional, as is the output list file tvda_list.

ic_trans_tvda_ddn infile outfile tvda_dir [""] tvda_list [""]

Transfers the given TVDA file infile to the DDN part file outfile. The directive file tvda_dir is optional, as is the output list file tvda_list.

ic_trans_ddn_dxf file outfile dxf_list [""] directive_file [""]

Transfers the DDN part file file to the DXF file outfile. The DXF listing file dxf_list may be specified and the directive file directive_file may also be specified.

ic_trans_dxf_ddn infile file dxf_list [""] directive_file [""]

Transfer the DXF file infile to the DDN part file file. The DXF listing file dxf_list may be specified and the directive file directive_file may also be specified.

ic_trans_idi_tetin prt tetin [""] tol [0.0001] isRel [1] idi_options [""]

Transfers the given IDI surface file into the named tetin file.

prtthe IDI file
tetinthe output file, defaults to a filename derived from the idi filename, prt.

For example usage, refer to ic_trans_idi_tetin.tcl in the Ansys installation directory under v242/icemcfd/Samples/ProgrammersGuide/med_test.

ic_trans_proe_tetin_protcl prt tetin [""]

Transfers the given Creo Parametric part file into the named tetin file.

prtthe Creo Parametric file
tetinthe output file, defaults to a filename derived from the Creo Parametric filename, prt.

For example usage, refer to ic_trans_proe_tetin.tcl in the Ansys installation directory under v242/icemcfd/Samples/ProgrammersGuide/med_test.

Automatically uses the part file to generate the tetin file.

ic_trans_read_esf_file prt do_tri [0] fam [""]

Imports an External Scan File.

prtESF file to read
famname of family containing created surfaces
returnlist of created surfaces


  • If the fam parameter is omitted, a family will be created for each surface.

  • For example usage, refer to ic_trans_read_esf_file.tcl in the Ansys installation directory under v242/icemcfd/Samples/ProgrammersGuide/med_test.

ic_trans_acis_tetin acisfile outfile

Imports an ACIS SAT File.

acisfilethe SAT file
outfilethe tetin output file

Note:   For example usage, refer to ic_trans_acis_tetin.tcl in the Ansys installation directory under v242/icemcfd/Samples/ProgrammersGuide/med_test.

ic_trans_dwg_tetin dwgfile outfile

Imports a DWG file.

dwgfilethe DWG file
outfilethe tetin output file

Note:   For example usage, refer to ic_trans_dwg_tetin.tcl in the Ansys installation directory under v242/icemcfd/Samples/ProgrammersGuide/med_test.

ic_trans_anf_tetin anffile outfile

Imports an ANF file.

anffilethe ANF file
outfilethe tetin output file

Note:   For example usage, refer to ic_trans_anf_tetin.tcl in the Ansys installation directory under v242/icemcfd/Samples/ProgrammersGuide/med_test.

ic_trans_step_tetin infile outfile facet [0] tolarg [""] stepver [0] args [""]

Import STEP or IGES file.

infilea STEP or IGES file
outfilethe TETIN output file
facet== 1 - Import as faceted geometry == 0 - Import as spline geometry

Note:   For example usage, refer to ic_trans_step_tetin.tcl in the Ansys installation directory under v242/icemcfd/Samples/ProgrammersGuide/med_test.

ic_trans_tetin_step infile outfile tolarg [""]

Exports STEP or IGES file.

infilethe tetin file
outfilethe STEP or IGES file


  • The type of output (i.e. step or iges) is determined by the extension (i.e. .stp or .igs) of the output file

ic_trans_ps_tetin infile outfile units [meter]

Imports a Parasolid file.

infilea Parasolid file
outfilethe tetin output file

Note:   For example usage, refer to ic_trans_ps_tetin.tcl in the Ansys installation directory under v242/icemcfd/Samples/ProgrammersGuide/med_test.

ic_trans_tetin_ps infile outfile

Exports a Parasolid file.

infilethe tetin file
outfilethe Parasolid file

Note:   For example usage, refer to ic_trans_tetin_ps.tcl in the Ansys installation directory under v242/icemcfd/Samples/ProgrammersGuide/med_test.


Import an Ansys Workbench model.


wb_import_geom [""] wb_import_mesh [""] wb_import_mat_points [""] wb_NS_to_subset [""] wb_NS_to_entity_parts [""] wb_import_solid_bodies [""] wb_import_surface_bodies [""] wb_import_line_bodies [""] wb_import_cad_att_trans [""] wb_import_cad_att_pre [""] wb_import_sel_proc [""] wb_import_sel_pre [""] wb_import_mix_res [""] wb_import_en_sym_proc [""] wb_import_scale_geo [Default] wb_import_work_points [""] wb_import_delete_solids [""] wb_import_create_solids [""] wb_import_save_pmdb [""] wb_import_load_pmdb [""] wb_import_refresh_pmdb [""] wb_import_cad_associativity [""] wb_import_save_partfile [""] wb_import_pluginname [""] wb_NS_only [""] wb_import_tritol [0.001] wb_import_reference_key [0] wb_import_lcs [0]

Set the parameters for the Ansys Workbench reader file import.

ic_wb_brep_read prt make_absolute_paths [1] merge [0] mesh [0] subset [0] geom [1] executable [0] batch [0] refresh_pmdb [0] save_pmdb [""] entity_parts [0] line [0] ns_only [0] create_material [0]

Runs the Ansys Workbench reader file import.

ic_wb_brep_load load_file [""] module_name [""] doUpdate [0] assemId [0xFFFFFFFF]

Imports a Ansys Workbench model. Returns 1 if build topology is required as a postprocessing step. Returns 0 otherwise.

ic_wb_brep_attach load_file [""]

Attach to an Ansys Workbench model.

ic_trans_cos_ccl file

Saves the coordinate system to a CFX Command Language (CCL) file.