Display Functions

ic_view what

Sets the current viewing position. what may be home, which sets the home position.

ic_visible type what on

Enable/disable visibility for different objects. The on argument should be 0 or 1. type is one of geometry, unstruct, or family. In the case of geometry, what should be one of surface, curve, point, material, density, or loop. In the case of unstruct, it should be one of the element type names like TETRA_4. In the case of family, it should be a family name.

ic_set_family_color_for_name name color

Sets the color to use for drawing objects in the named family. This applies to geometry and mesh.

ic_display_update mode [""] new_fams [1] types [""]

Updates the display in the GUI. mode is one of: all, unstruct, struct, geom, "" implies all. new_fams determines whether or not to update the family list in the GUI. types allows you to make visible entity types appropriate to the mode (For example, {TRI_3} for unstruct).