External Commands

These commands are used to run external programs or perform OS-dependent things. Unless otherwise noted, they behave similarly to the corresponding UNIX commands. All commands begin with cmd_.

cmd_rm args

Removes the specified files.

cmd_rmdir args

Removes the specified directories.

cmd_rm_r args

Removes the specified files or directories.

cmd_cp args

Copies the first files into the last named directory, or renames a file.

cmd_cp_r args

Recursively copies the first files into the last named directory.

cmd_mv args

Moves the first files into the last named directory.

cmd_rename old new

Renames old to new.

cmd_mkdir dir

Makes a new directory with the specified name.


Returns the current date.

cmd_chmod mod file

Changes the file permissions to the given octal mod.

cmd_kill pid sig [15]

Sends a signal to the process. On UNIX systems, the sig argument gives the signal number.


Returns the current computer's name.


Returns the current user name.


Returns information about the current OS.

cmd_tempfile fn suff [""]

Returns a file that begins with fn that does not currently exist.

cmd_gzip args

Runs gzip with the given arguments.

cmd_cat_onto f1 f2

Appends f1 onto the end of f2.

cmd_tar args

Runs tar with the given arguments.

cmd_uuencode f u f2 [""]

Runs uuencode with the given arguments.

cmd_uudecode uu

Runs uudecode on the given file.

cmd_grep args

Runs grep with the given arguments.

cmd_renice pri pid

Changes the priority of process pid to pri.

cmd_wc file

Runs wc on the specified file.

cmd_xterm args

Opens an Xterm or a Windows command prompt in the current directory.

cmd_ln_s from to

Either symbolically link from to to, or on Windows system, copy it.


Returns the current page size on the system.


Returns the amount of free memory, if possible.

cmd_edit_file file [""] back [0]

Edits the file using the default text editor. If back is 1 then return immediately, else, wait until the editor finishes. The return value is the file that was selected (if the original file was blank).

cmd_print_file filename

Prints the file on the default printer.

cmd_check_process_exists pid

Returns 1 if the process exists on the current machine, else returns 0.