Quick (Delaunay)

The Quick (Delaunay) option will generate a tetra mesh using a bottom-up meshing approach (Delaunay Tetra algorithm). This algorithm requires an existing, closed surface mesh. If this has not yet been created, it will automatically create the surface mesh from the geometry as defined by the Global Mesh Setup settings (or the Surface Mesh option). The volume mesh will then be generated from this surface mesh. You can also run this in two steps by creating/importing a surface mesh first and then running this mesher. If a surface mesh exists, you can also specify the Input as Existing Mesh when Compute Mesh is applied.

Note:  A closed surface mesh is needed to contain the volume mesh. You can run a mesh check for single edges, overlapping elements or duplicate elements ( Edit Mesh > Check Mesh ). Single edges may appear on the edges of internal baffles, but should not be found on the outer perimeter of the model or the Delaunay fill will fail.

Delaunay Scheme

allows you to select the Delaunay scheme to be used.


uses the standard Delaunay scheme with a skewness-based refinement.


uses the latest Fluent Meshing Delaunay volume grid generation algorithm that utilizes a more gradual transition rate near the surface, and a faster transition rate towards the interior. Like the standard Delaunay scheme, it uses a skewness-based refinement.

Use AF

uses the latest Fluent Meshing Advancing Front Delaunay algorithm which has smoother transitions than the pure Delaunay algorithm.

Note:  The TGlib options will be ignored when the Create Hexa-Core option is enabled for the Quick (Delaunay) method.

Memory scaling factor

The initial memory requirements will be multiplied by this factor. If no value is supplied, the default is taken as 1. The initial memory requirement is calculated from the surface mesh (or from volume mesh if it is supplied). If the initial memory calculation falls short, it will double it and try again. It will restart 3 times before failing due to insufficient memory allocation.

Spacing Scaling Factor

The rate at which the tetra grow from the surface mesh. It is similar, but not mathematically identical, to the expansion factor used by other algorithms. This value directly affects the number of tetra elements generated.

Fill holes in volume mesh

This is for use on an existing tetra mesh with internal voids (cavity re-meshing). This will fill the voids without regenerating the full tetra domain. You could delete the tetra mesh in a region, insert a new surface mesh component and then cavity re-mesh to the existing tetra mesh. Alternatively, this could be used simply to remesh a region of poor tetra mesh.

Mesh internal domains

If this option is enabled, the Delaunay tetra mesher will also attempt to fill internal volume regions. With this option disabled, only those volumes adjacent to external shell elements will be meshed.

Flood fill after completion

This option only pertains to models with multiple material points. If this option is enabled, the volume mesh will be assigned to different volume parts based on material point containment.

Verbose output

When enabled, the mesher outputs more detailed messages to help in debugging any potential problem. In general, you should not need to have this option enabled, but it may help to enable this for debugging.

Smooth mesh

When enabled, the mesh is smoothed after finishing subdivision down to the specified mesh sizes.


Specifies the number of iterations to be performed for the smoothing to match the supplied Min quality.

Min Quality

All elements with quality less than the specified value will be smoothed. The default is 0.4.