Move Nodes

  You can move nodes of faceted surfaces with any of the following options. After choosing the option, click Apply.


Moves nodes to a selected location on the geometry. First select any location on the geometry, then select the nodes to be moved and press the middle mouse button.

On screen

Moves nodes anywhere on the plane defined by the screen. Select the surface, then click and drag the surface node.

On plane

Moves nodes on a plane intersecting the node and normal to a specified axis or vector. First, select the surface, describe the plane within the menu, and then move the click and drag the node on that plane.


Define the plane to move the node by typing in the i j k values of the normal of the plane within the box.

Offset XYZ

Specify the offset in the X, Y, and Z directions to move the node.


A node can be moved along a certain line. Specify the line by choosing two points and clicking Apply. Select the surface, then click and drag the node along the line.