
  The Scale option can be used to re-size the selected mesh domain by specifying factors in all three coordinate directions.


If enabled, the original mesh will be kept intact, and an exact copy of the mesh with duplicated nodes and elements will be resized as specified.

Increment Parts

To add the newly created copies of mesh to an existing part, click the Select Parts icon. Select the part name from the window that opens up. If no part is selected, then the copies will be added to a new part.

Scale Mesh Factors

Enter the scale factor for the three directions X, Y, and Z.

Center of Transformation

Select the base point for scaling.

  • Origin

    The origin of the model's global coordinate system, (0 0 0).

  • Centroid

    The center of the bounding box of the selected elements.

  • Selected

    Any point selected from the display.